Reed M. Cummings, Ph.D. - Publications

2014 Civil Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Civil Engineering

72 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Tran S, Cummings R, Sahni O. Finite element based large eddy simulation of flow over bluff bodies Computers & Fluids. 158: 221-235. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compfluid.2016.10.027  0.384
2016 Ghoreyshi M, Bergeron K, Jirasek A, Seidel J, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Computational aerodynamic modeling for flight dynamics simulation of ram-air parachutes Aerospace Science and Technology. 54: 286-301. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2016.04.024  0.409
2016 Ghoreyshi M, Bergeron K, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. CFD calculation of stability and control derivatives for ram-air parachutes Aiaa Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 0.369
2015 Bergeron K, Seidel J, Ghoreyshi M, Jirasek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Computational fluid dynamics for the aerodynamic design and modeling of a ram-air parachute with bleed-air actuators 53rd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting. DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0555  0.33
2015 Ghoreyshi M, Ryszka K, Cummings RM, Lofthouse AJ. Vortical flow prediction of the AVT-183 diamond wing 53rd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting. DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0292  0.443
2015 Cummings RM. Numerical simulation of hypersonic flows Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 52: 15-16. DOI: 10.2514/1.A33030  0.348
2015 Ghoreyshi M, Ryszka K, Cummings RM, Lofthouse AJ. Vortical flow prediction of a diamond wing with rounded leading edges Aerospace Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2016.02.011  0.424
2015 Ghoreyshi M, Korkis-Kanaan R, Jirásek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Simulation validation of static and forced motion flow physics of a canard configured transcruiser 22nd Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2015.11.008  0.388
2015 Decker RK, Semper MT, Anthony JD, Cummings RM. Starting characteristics of the US air force academy mach 6 ludwieg tube 45th Aiaa Fluid Dynamics Conference 0.389
2015 Ghoreyshi M, Kim ADH, Jirasek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Validation of CFD simulations for X-31 wind-tunnel models Aeronautical Journal. 119: 479-500.  0.41
2015 Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Numerical simulation of the F-16XL at full-scale flight test conditions using delayed detached-eddy simulation 33rd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.368
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM. Unsteady aerodynamic modeling of aircraft control surfaces by indicial response methods Aiaa Journal. 52: 2683-2700. DOI: 10.2514/1.J052946  0.37
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Jirásek A, Cummings RM. Reduced order unsteady aerodynamic modeling for stability and control analysis using computational fluid dynamics Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 71: 167-217. DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2014.09.001  0.35
2014 Cummings RM, Schütte A. The NATO STO task group AVT-201 on 'extended assessment of stability and control prediction methods for NATO air vehicles' 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.3
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Kim ADH, Jirásek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Validation of CFD simulations for X-31 wind tunnel models 52nd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting - Aiaa Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Scitech 2014 0.364
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Kim ADH, Jirásek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Validation of CFD simulations for X-31 wind tunnel models 52nd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting - Aiaa Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Scitech 2014 0.364
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Young ME, Jirásek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Validation of unsteady aerodynamic models of a generic UCAV configuration 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.348
2014 Lofthouse AJ, Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM, Young M. Static and dynamic simulations of a generic UCAV geometry using the kestrel flow solver 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.363
2014 Ghoreyshi M, Seidel J, Bergeron K, Jirásek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Prediction of aerodynamic characteristics of a ram-air parachute 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.412
2014 Bergeron K, Seidel J, Ghoreyshi M, Jirasek A, Lofthouse AJ, Cummings RM. Numerical study of ram air airfoils and upper surface bleed-air control 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.345
2014 Jirásek A, Cummings RM, Schütte A, Huber K. The NATO STO AVT-201 task group on extended assessment of stability an control prediction methods for NATO air vehicles: Summary 32nd Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.327
2013 Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM, Da Ronch A, Badcock KJ. Transonic aerodynamic load modeling of X-31 aircraft pitching motions Aiaa Journal. 51: 2447-2464. DOI: 10.2514/1.J052309  0.382
2013 Cummings RM, Schütte A. Detached-Eddy Simulation of the vortical flow field about the VFE-2 delta wing Aerospace Science and Technology. 24: 66-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2012.02.007  0.379
2013 Jirásek A, Jeans TL, Martenson M, Cummings RM, Bergeron K. Improved methodologies for the design of maneuver for stability and control simulations Aerospace Science and Technology. 25: 203-223. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2012.01.008  0.361
2013 Ghoreyshi M, Jirásek A, Cummings RM, Tomaro RF, Wurtzler KE. Static and dynamic loads modeling of an aerodynamic control surface 51st Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013 0.389
2012 Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM. Challenges in the aerodynamics modeling of an oscillating and translating airfoil at large incidence angles 50th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-690  0.332
2012 Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM. Aerodynamics modeling of a maneuvering aircraft using indicial functions 50th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-689  0.348
2012 Ghoreyshi M, Jirásek A, Cummings RM. Computational investigation into the use of response functions for aerodynamic-load modeling Aiaa Journal. 50: 1314-1327. DOI: 10.2514/1.J051428  0.432
2012 Jeans TL, Jirásek A, McDaniel DR, Bergeron K, Cummings RM. Modeling the nonlinear dynamic roll of generic fighter using delayed detached-eddy simulation Journal of Aircraft. 49: 1110-1125. DOI: 10.2514/1.C031613  0.332
2012 Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM. Unsteady aerodynamics modeling for aircraft maneuvers: A new approach using time-dependent surrogate modeling 30th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2012. 2358-2382. DOI: 10.2514/1.C001003  0.372
2012 Ghoreyshi M, Post ML, Cummings RM, Da Ronch A, Badcock KJ. Transonic aerodynamic loads modeling of X-31 aircraft 30th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2012. 1824-1852.  0.393
2011 Ghoreyshi M, Jirásek A, Post ML, Cummings RM. Computational approximation of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics using an aerodynamic model hierarchy 29th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2012.10.009  0.323
2011 Jirásek A, Cummings RM. CFD modeling for trajectory predictions of a generic fighter configuration Aiaa Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2011 0.432
2011 Jirásek A, Cummings RM. SACCON static and dynamic motion flow physics simulations using COBALT 29th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2011 0.434
2011 Da Ronch A, Mccracken A, Badcock KJ, Ghoreyshi M, Cummings RM. Modeling of unsteady aerodynamic loads Aiaa Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2011 0.372
2011 Ghoreyshi M, Jirásek A, Post ML, Cummings RM, Decker RK. A computational investigation into the use of response functions for aerodynamic loads modeling 29th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2011 0.384
2010 Jirásek A, Cummings RM. Reduced order modeling of X-31 wind tunnel model aerodynamic loads 28th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2011.10.014  0.393
2010 Cummings RM, Jirásek A, Petterson K, Schmidt S. SACCON static and dynamic motion flow physics simulation using Cobalt 28th Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.361
2010 Jirásek A, Jeans TL, Martenson M, Cummings RM, Bergeron K. Improved methodologies for maneuver design of aircraft stability and control simulations 48th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 0.365
2009 Jeans TL, McDaniel DR, Cummings RM, Mason WH. Aerodynamic analysis of a generic fighter using delayed detached-eddy simulation Journal of Aircraft. 46: 1326-1339. DOI: 10.2514/1.40955  0.322
2009 Görtz S, Jirásek A, Morton SA, McDaniel DR, Cummings RM, Laman JE, Abdol-Hamid KS. Standard unstructured grid solutions for cranked arrow wing aerodynamics project international F-16XL Journal of Aircraft. 46: 385-408. DOI: 10.2514/1.35163  0.494
2009 McDaniel DR, Cummings RM, Bergeron K, Morton SA, Dean JP. Comparisons of computational fluid dynamics solutions of static and manoeuvring fighter aircraft with flight test data Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 223: 323-340. DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO411  0.347
2009 Jirásek A, Cummings RM. Application of Volterra functions to X-31 aircraft model motion Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.354
2008 Cummings RM, Morton SA, McDaniel DR. Experiences in accurately predicting time-dependent flows Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 44: 241-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2008.01.001  0.405
2008 Jeans TL, McDaniel DR, Cummings RM, Mason WH. Aerodynamic analysis of a generic fighter with a chine fuselage/delta wing configuration using delayed detached-eddy simulation Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa Applied Aerodynamics Conference 0.308
2008 Fritz W, Cummings RM. What was learned from the numerical simulations for the VFE-2 46th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 0.433
2008 Cummings RM, Schütte A. Detached-eddy simulation of the vortical flowfield about the VFE-2 deltaWing 46th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 0.378
2007 Schiavetta LA, Badcock KJ, Cummings RM. Comparison of des and URANS for unsteady vortical flows over delta wings Collection of Technical Papers - 45th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 19: 13080-13101.  0.478
2007 Aradag S, Seidel J, Cummings RM, Cook L. Aerodynamic analysis of a vertically landing lifting body Collection of Technical Papers - 18th Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2: 2005-2015.  0.344
2006 Mitchell AM, Morton SA, Forsythe JR, Cummings RM. Analysis of delta-wing vortical substructures using detached-eddy simulation Aiaa Journal. 44: 964-972. DOI: 10.2514/1.755  0.413
2006 Cummings RM, Morton SA. Continuing evolution of aerodynamic concept development using collaborative numerical and experimental evaluations Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 220: 545-557. DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO71  0.379
2006 Cummings RM, Divine JA, Yechout TR, Wetlesen DC, Kealos JJ. Numerical evaluation of the flowfield for a high fineness ratio body with drag brakes Collection of Technical Papers - 44th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 11: 7971-7982.  0.382
2005 Claus MP, Morton SA, Cummings RM, Bury Y. DES turbulence modeling on the C-130 comparison between computational and experimental results 43rd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 8989-8999.  0.397
2005 Hiers RS, Sirbaugh JR, McCann CBT, Cummings RM, Luft CLS, Grilles CDP. Experimental verification of the aerodynamics of stream thrust probes 43rd Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers. 4675-4682.  0.313
2004 Morton SA, Cummings RM, Kholodar DB. High resolution turbulence treatment of F/A-18 tail buffet Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa/Asme/Asce/Ahs/Asc Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 3: 1811-1823. DOI: 10.2514/1.29577  0.307
2004 Cummings RM, Morton SA, Forsythe JR. Detached-eddy simulation of slat and flap aerodynamics for a high-lift wing Aiaa Paper. 9860-9873.  0.414
2004 Cummings RM, Morton SA, Bergeron K. Modeling and simulation research and instruction at the U.S. Air Force Academy Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. 1: 377-387.  0.32
2004 Morton SA, Kholodar D, Billingsley T, Forsythe JR, Wurtzler KE, Squires KD, Cummings RM, Spalart PR. Multidisciplinary applications of detached-eddy simulation to separated flows at high reynolds numbers (challenge 92) Proceedings - Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference, Ugc 2004. 103-111.  0.344
2003 Morton SA, Steenman M, Cummings RM, Forsythe JR, Wurtzler KE, Squires KD, Woodson SH, Spalart PR. Multidisciplinary applications of detached-eddy simulation to separated flows at high Reynolds numbers Proceedings - 2003 User Group Conference. 113-128. DOI: 10.1109/DODUGC.2003.1253383  0.323
2003 Cummings RM, Forsythe JR, Morton SA, Squires KD. Computational challenges in high angle of attack flow prediction Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 39: 369-384. DOI: 10.1016/S0376-0421(03)00041-1  0.414
2003 Cummings RM, Morton SA, Siegel SG. Computational simulation and PIV measurements of the laminar vortical flowfield for a delta wing at high angle of attack 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 0.311
2003 Morton SA, Steenman MB, Cummings RM, Forsythe JR. DES grid resolution issues for vortical flows on a delta wing and an F-18C 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 0.31
2003 Cummings RM, Morton SA, Siegel SG. Computational simulation and experimental measurements for a delta wing with periodic suction and blowing Journal of Aircraft. 40: 923-931.  0.307
2002 Forsythe JR, Hoffmann KA, Cummings RM, Squires KD. Detached-eddy simulation with compressibility corrections applied to a supersonic axisymmetric base flow Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the Asme. 124: 911-923. DOI: 10.1115/1.1517572  0.464
2002 Cummings RM, Morton SA, Siegel SG, McLaughlin TE, Albertson JA. Combined computational simulation and piv measurements on a delta wing with periodic suction and blowing 40th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 0.3
2002 Baker MD, Mathias DL, Roth KR, Cummings RM. Numerical investigation of slat and compressibility effects for a high-lift wing Journal of Aircraft. 39: 876-884.  0.446
1999 Murman SM, Rizk YM, Cummings RM, Schiff LB. Computational investigation of slot blowing for fuselage forebody flow control Aircraft Design. 2: 45-63. DOI: 10.1016/S1369-8869(99)00006-3  0.377
1998 Carrannanto PG, Storms BL, Ross JC, Cummings RM. Navier-Stokes analysis of lift-enhancing tabs on multi-element airfoils Aircraft Design. 1: 145-158. DOI: 10.1016/S1369-8869(98)00014-7  0.358
1998 Jang CS, Ross JC, Cummings RM. Numerical investigation of an airfoil with a Gurney flap Aircraft Design. 1: 75-88.  0.31
1996 Cummings RM, Giles MB, Shrinivas GN. Analysis of the elements of drag in three-dimensional viscous and inviscid flows 14th Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 815-829.  0.348
1995 Cummings RM, Yang HT, Oh YH. Supersonic, turbulent flow computation and drag optimization for axisymmetric afterbodies Computers and Fluids. 24: 487-507. DOI: 10.1016/0045-7930(94)00040-6  0.349
1995 Garcia JA, Tu EL, Cummings RM. A parametric study of supersonic laminar flow for swept wings using linear stability analysis 1995 Fluid Dynamics Conference. 1-12.  0.34
Show low-probability matches.