Year |
Citation |
Score |
2017 |
Jiang Z, Mukherjee K, Sarkar S. Generalised gossip-based subgradient method for distributed optimisation International Journal of Control. 92: 1209-1225. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1387288 |
0.459 |
2016 |
Sarkar S, Ghosh PB, Mukherjee K, Sil AK, Saha T. Sewage treatment in a single pond system at East Kolkata Wetland, India Water Science and Technology. 60: 2309-2317. PMID 19901462 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2009.673 |
0.348 |
2016 |
Jiang Z, Sarkar S, Mukherjee K. On distributed optimization using generalized gossip Proceedings of the Ieee Conference On Decision and Control. 2016: 2667-2672. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2015.7402618 |
0.436 |
2015 |
Jha DK, Srivastav A, Mukherjee K, Ray A. Depth estimation in Markov models of time-series data via spectral analysis Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2015: 5812-5817. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172250 |
0.554 |
2015 |
Jha DK, Wettergren TA, Ray A, Mukherjee K. Topology optimisation for energy management in underwater sensor networks International Journal of Control. 88: 1775-1788. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2015.1017006 |
0.518 |
2014 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K. Event-Triggered Decision Propagation in Proximity Networks Frontiers in Robotics and Ai. 1. DOI: 10.3389/Frobt.2014.00015 |
0.528 |
2014 |
Mukherjee K, Ray A. State splitting and merging in probabilistic finite state automata for signal representation and analysis Signal Processing. 104: 105-119. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sigpro.2014.03.045 |
0.501 |
2013 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Ray A, Srivastav A. Multi-sensor information fusion for fault detection in aircraft gas turbine engines Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 227: 1988-2001. DOI: 10.1177/0954410012468391 |
0.629 |
2013 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Ray A. Distributed decision propagation in mobile-agent proximity networks International Journal of Control. 86: 1118-1130. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2013.782511 |
0.581 |
2013 |
Wen Y, Mukherjee K, Ray A. Adaptive pattern classification for symbolic dynamic systems Signal Processing. 93: 252-260. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sigpro.2012.08.002 |
0.659 |
2013 |
Virani N, Marcks S, Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Ray A, Phoha S. Dynamic Data Driven Sensor Array Fusion for Target Detection and Classification Procedia Computer Science. 18: 2046-2055. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.374 |
0.45 |
2012 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Ray A, Srivastav A, Wettergren TA. Statistical Mechanics-Inspired Modeling of Heterogeneous Packet Transmission in Communication Networks. Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics : a Publication of the Ieee Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. PMID 22411024 DOI: 10.1109/TSMCB.2012.2186611 |
0.644 |
2012 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Sarkar S, Ray A. Symbolic Dynamic Analysis of Transient Time Series for Fault Detection in Gas Turbine Engines Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 135. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007699 |
0.588 |
2012 |
Jha DK, Ray A, Mukherjee K, Chakraborty S. Classification of Two-Phase Flow Patterns by Ultrasonic Sensing Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. 135. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007555 |
0.652 |
2012 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Jin X, Singh DS, Ray A. Optimization of symbolic feature extraction for pattern classification Signal Processing. 92: 625-635. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sigpro.2011.08.013 |
0.686 |
2011 |
Mukherjee K, Gupta S, Ray A, Wettergren TA. Statistical-mechanics-inspired optimization of sensor field configuration for detection of mobile targets. Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics : a Publication of the Ieee Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. 41: 783-91. PMID 21172754 DOI: 10.1109/TSMCB.2010.2092763 |
0.649 |
2011 |
Mukherjee K, Gupta S, Ray A, Phoha S. Symbolic analysis of sonar data for underwater target detection Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 36: 219-230. DOI: 10.1109/Joe.2011.2122590 |
0.678 |
2011 |
Jin X, Gupta S, Mukherjee K, Ray A. Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite state automata for pattern classification Pattern Recognition. 44: 1343-1356. DOI: 10.1016/J.Patcog.2010.12.003 |
0.691 |
2011 |
Mukherjee K, Ray A, Wettergren T, Gupta S, Phoha S. Real-time adaptation of decision thresholds in sensor networks for detection of moving targets Automatica. 47: 185-191. DOI: 10.1016/J.Automatica.2010.10.031 |
0.692 |
2010 |
Jin X, Mukherjee K, Gupta S, Ray A. Wavelet-based feature extraction for behavior recognition in mobile robots Asme 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Dscc2010. 1: 875-882. DOI: 10.1115/DSCC2010-4059 |
0.601 |
2010 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Srivastav A, Ray A. Distributed decision propagation in mobile agent networks? Proceedings of the Ieee Conference On Decision and Control. 633-638. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2010.5717036 |
0.47 |
2010 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Srivastav A, Ray A. Critical phenomena and finite-size scaling in communication networks Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Acc 2010. 271-276. |
0.562 |
2009 |
Rao C, Mukherjee K, Gupta S, Ray A, Phoha S. Underwater mine detection using symbolic pattern analysis of sidescan sonar images Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5416-5421. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2009.5160102 |
0.364 |
2009 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Srivastav A, Ray A. Understanding phase transition in communication networks to enable robust and resilient control Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1549-1554. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2009.5159994 |
0.621 |
2009 |
Mukherjee K, Ray A, Wettergren T, Chattopadhyay I, Phoha S. Signal threshold estimation in a sensor field for undersea target tracking Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3591-3596. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2009.5159844 |
0.603 |
2009 |
Jin X, Mukherjee K, Gupta S, Ray A, Phoha S, Damarla T. Asynchronous data-driven classification of weapon systems Measurement Science and Technology. 20. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/20/12/123001 |
0.704 |
2009 |
Sarkar S, Mukherjee K, Ray A. Generalization of Hilbert transform for symbolic analysis of noisy signals Signal Processing. 89: 1245-1251. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sigpro.2008.12.009 |
0.568 |
2009 |
Rao C, Mukherjee K, Sarkar S, Ray A. Statistical estimation of multiple parameters via symbolic dynamic filtering Signal Processing. 89: 981-988. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sigpro.2008.11.018 |
0.663 |
2008 |
Sarkar S, Yasar M, Gupta S, Ray A, Mukherjee K. Fault detection and isolation in aircraft gas turbine engines. Part 2: Validation on a simulation test bed Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 222: 319-330. DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO312 |
0.43 |
Show low-probability matches. |