Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Emilio Alarcos LlorachLinguistics, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Phonology Louis Hjelmslev (grad student), André Martinet (grad student), Lucien Tesnière (grad student), Nikolái Serguéievich Trubetskói (grad student)
Pedro M. AlcocerLinguistics, Pyscholinguistics Ellen F. Lau (grad student)
Katie AlcockLanguage development, language disorders, cognition and health Saloni Krishnan (collaborator), Frederic K. Dick (collaborator), Annette Karmiloff-Smith (collaborator), Graham Schafer (collaborator), Faraneh Vargha-Khadem (grad student)
Kirsten Allison Jordan R. Green (post-doc)
Alexandra Maria de Castro e Santos AraújoFuncionalismo; Sociolinguística; Sociofuncionalismo; Tempo, Aspecto e Modalidade; Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras Márluce Coan (grad student)
Genesis ArizmendiDevelopmental language disorder, bilingualism, cognition, learning disabilities
Diana L. AscherInformation Studies, Management, Data Barbara H. Ascher (grad student)
Arianna Astolfiacoustics of school environments, assessment and control of vocal load of voice professionals, conservative acoustic restoration of opera houses and acoustic quality of spaces for listening to music and speech, and acoustic quality of spaces for musicians Raffaele Pisani (grad student)
James Mark Baldwin Friedrich Paulsen (grad student)
David A. BarnerLanguage Development, Conceptual Development Susan Carey (grad student)
Rebecca Bartlett Susan L. Thibeault (grad student)
Anna Basso Aphasia Blanche Ducarne de Ribaucourt (grad student)
Al Baumeistermental retardation research Robert Thompson (grad student)
Pranesh BhargavaSpeech perception, hearing impairment, cochlear implants20052007 Vaijayanthi Sarma (research assistant)
Sheila E. BlumsteinCognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Lexical Access19651970 Harold Goodglass (grad student), Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student)
Ryan Branski Katherine Verdolini Abbott (grad student)
Teon L. Brookspsycholinguistics, word recognition, MEG methods20122017 Alec Marantz (grad student), Alexandre Gramfort (collaborator)
Henry (Gus) BuchtelEpilepsy, attention, language, Wada Test19751978 Giacomo Rizzolatti (research scientist)
Atilio Butturi JuniorAnálise do Discurso, Filosofia da Linguagem, Biopolítica Kanavillil Rajagopalan (post-doc)
Joan L. BybeeChild language acquisition, phonology Sandra A. Thompson (grad student)
Orly Calderon Marc Diener (grad student), Hilary B. Vidair (grad student)
Camillia Anderson Calkins
Corrie R. Camalierauditory system Bruno B. Averbeck (post-doc)
Catherine Emily CarrAuditory Brainstem Walter Heiligenberg (grad student)
Gabriel CastellanosNeuroimaging, Parkinson disease, Consciousness disorders María A. Fernández-Seara (grad student)
Marie Channell20122015 Susan J. Loveall (collaborator), Laura J. Hahn (collaborator), Leonard Abbeduto (post-doc)
Sandra B. Chapman Hanna K. Ulatowska (grad student)
Yong ChoeAuditory neuroscience
Noam ChomskyLanguage Nelson Goodman (grad student)
Weilun Chung Linda Jarmulowicz (grad student)
Angela Hein Ciccia Lyn S. Turkstra (grad student)
Oren CivierStuttering, Speech Motor Control, Motor Sequencing
Wesley C. ClappTop-down modulation, visual system, aging, LTP, auditory system, plasticity20022006 Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student), Tino Zaehle (collaborator)
Robert ConnonOrganic Chemistry, Asymmetric Catalysis2020 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
David P. Corinamemory, language Ursula Bellugi (grad student)
Cynthia Cress Jon F. Miller (grad student), David R. Beukelman (research scientist)
D. Kyle DanielsonChild Language Acquisition Janet F. Werker (grad student)
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertzcognitive development, language19881995 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
David G. DeNardo Lisa Coussens (post-doc)
Mark Donelan
Joanna M DragichNeuroscience, neuropathology, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, neurogenetics Ai Yamamoto (post-doc), Robert P. Bowser (research assistant), Cristian L. Achim (research assistant)
William Drennan Mark Donelan (post-doc)
João MN DuarteBrain energy metabolism, magnetic resonance spectroscopy Rodrigo A. Cunha (grad student)
Didem Durak AkserFilm Studies, Utopian Studies Louise Spence (grad student)
Daniel F. EberlHearing, Behavioral Genetics, Mechanosensation Norbert Perrimon (post-doc), Maurice Kernan (post-doc)
Margaret E. EchelbargerChild Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, Language and Gesture, Spatial Relations2010 Justine Cassell (research scientist)
Camille G. Endacottorganizational communication, identity, identification, technology, brokerage, membership negotiation Karen Kroman Myers (grad student), Paul M. Leonardi (grad student)
Eduardo EuropaAphasia, Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics Communication Sciences and Disorders2017 Maya L. Henry (post-doc)
Michael G. Evansauditory neuroscience19861988 Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Ana Cláudia Fabre EltermannLanguage policy Cristine Gorski Severo (grad student)
Daniela Fantaprelinguistic communication, early intervention, developmental disabilities, neurogenetic disorders, caregiver-child interactions Pamela A. Hadley (grad student), Marie Channell (grad student)
Richard R. FayHearing Georg von Bekesy (post-doc)
Jane FengAuditory system
Anne Fernaldlanguage acquisition1982 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)
Kimberly V. Fisher
Anne L. Foundasstuttering, brain morphometry Edward J. Golob (collaborator), Edward G. Conture (collaborator), Christiana M. Leonard (research scientist), Leslie J. Gonzalez-Rothi (research scientist)
Howard Gardner Jerome Seymour Bruner (grad student), Rudolf Arnheim (grad student)
Emily O'Dell GarnettSpeech, language, linguistics, stuttering, cluttering, speech production, aphasia, Psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Abhishek Datta (collaborator), Stephen D. Towler (collaborator), Cynthia M. Anderson (research assistant), Jason A. Tourville (collaborator), Kathleen Scaler Scott (collaborator)
Joel Gaston20102015 Susan L. Thibeault (grad student)
Amanda I. Gillespie
William W. GravesCognitive Neuroscience, Language, fMRI Jeffrey R. Binder (post-doc), Mark S. Seidenberg (post-doc), Thomas J. Grabowski (grad student)
Anna D. Green
Jasmine MS GrimsleyAuditory system, Communication calls, Neurophysiology Alan R. Palmer (grad student)
Patrick J. Guiry Chemistry John M. Brown (post-doc)
Ervin R. HafterAuditory system Lloyd Jeffress (grad student)
Allison M. Haskill1998 C Melanie Schuele (grad student)
Sarah E. Hay Linda Jarmulowicz (grad student)
Samarth HegdeCancer Immunology Miriam Merad (post-doc)
Alexis G. Hervais-AdelmanCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics20162018 Peter Hagoort (research scientist)
Connie S. Holcomb
Sabrina Horvath Sudha Arunachalam (grad student), Arielle Borovsky (post-doc)
Matthew A. Howardhearing, speech, language, emotional behavior M. Sean Grady (post-doc), George A. Ojemann (post-doc), Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Eric Hunteroccupational voice use, signal processing, biomechanics of speech articulators and biomechanical models of the vocal system, and muscle mechanics and muscle models. Ingo R. Titze (grad student)
GIJUNG IMAuditory 20102012 Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc), Elisabeth Glowatzki (post-doc)
Kayo Inoue
Amal IsaiahSleep disordered breathing; statistical modeling; brain outcomes; technology development Patrick O. Kanold (post-doc)
Peter Isquithpediatric neuropsychology, Deafness1991 Murray Levine (grad student)
Lloyd Jeffress
Marie E. Jette Susan L. Thibeault (grad student)
Jeffrey Raymond JohnstoneVision, hearing, public health Fergus W. Campbell (post-doc)
Laura M. JusticeEmergent literacy Helen Ezell (grad student)
Ramesh Kaipaspeech motor learning, motor speech disorders
Batya KaireyADHD, Assessment Orly Calderon (grad student), Orly Calderon (research assistant)
Alexander KaiserAuditory neuroscience Geoffrey A. Manley (grad student)
Jochen KaiserMEG, gamma oscillations, auditory, multisensory, working memory John H. Gruzelier (grad student), Niels Birbaumer (post-doc), Werner Lutzenberger (post-doc), Olivier Bertrand (post-doc)
Mary R. KennedyAdult language & cognitive disorders, Traumatic brain injury, Cognitive rehabilitation and brain injury Kathryn M. Yorkston (grad student)
Leila KhouriAuditory neuroscience Israel Nelken (post-doc)
Jun Mo Kim
Suzanne King Susan L. Thibeault (grad student)
Julia KingAuditory System, Cochlear Implants2014 Robert Froemke (grad student), Mario A. Svirsky (grad student)
Winifred Mary Kingdon Ward Edward Wheeler Scripture (research scientist)
Silke Kipper Dietmar Todt (grad student)
David J. Kleinauditory system20012004 Rodney J. Douglas (post-doc), Konrad P. Kording (collaborator)
Ursmar N. Kleinerhearing, auditory research
Tsuyoshi Kojima Shigeru Hirano (grad student)
Rouzana KomesidouLanguage and literacy development, implementation science20182018 Holly L. Storkel (grad student), Tiffany P. Hogan (post-doc)
Marjolein KorvorstNumerical Cognition, Speech Production Kathryn L. Bock (post-doc), Klaus Willmes (post-doc)
Rachel Meredith KousserIn her writing and teaching, she focuses on the Greeks' creation, transformation, and destruction of monuments; the representation of gender, sexuality, and power in the classical era; and the place of Greek art within the globally interconnected ancient Katherine E. Welch (grad student)
Margarida O. Krause
Breanna I. Kruegercommunication sciences and disorders Holly L. Storkel (grad student)
Sharon G. Kujawahearing loss, aging M. Charles Liberman (post-doc)
Erik Larsenauditory physiology, efferents
Eva van Leer Lyn S. Turkstra (grad student)
Laurence B. Leonardchild language development and disorders Audrey L. Holland (grad student)
Charlott Eloize Leviskipolíticas linguísticas Cristine Gorski Severo (grad student)
Casey Lew-Williams Virginia A Marchman (grad student)
Gwyneth A. Lewiscognitive neuroscience, language, speech, lexical access, semantic processing Gavin M. Bidelman (post-doc)
Elizabeth A Lydon Sarah E. Key-Delyria (grad student)
Viorica MarianLanguage, Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, Memory19982000 Stephen Ceci (grad student), Joy Hirsch (grad student), Annette Karmiloff-Smith (collaborator)
Andrea S. McDuffieCommunication and language development and intervention in children with language delays; mother-child linguistic and prelinguistic interaction; early intervention Leonard Abbeduto (research scientist)
david a. meekspeople
Daryush Mehta Thomas F. Quatieri (grad student)
Anahita Mehta Andrew J. Oxenham (post-doc)
Anthony P. Monaconeurodevelopmental disorders, autism, specific language impairment, dyslexia, chorea acanthocytosis and menkes disease Louis Kunkel (grad student)
Julia Monninspeech science, phonological acquisition, phonetics2010 Hélène Lœvenbruck (grad student)
David Mooreauditory development and learning Lindsay M. Aitkin (grad student)
Brian C.J. MooreAuditory Perception Mark P. Haggard (grad student)
R Channing MooreAudition20162004 Daniel P. W. Ellis (research scientist), Peter R. Stark (research assistant)
George Moushegian Robert Galambos (post-doc), Lloyd Jeffress (grad student)
Raksha A. Mudar John Hart (post-doc)
Oliver MüllerERP, language20052008 Manuel Carreiras (post-doc)
Minh T. Nguyen Richard A. Jones (research scientist)
Lyndsey NickelsAphasia, language
Lance NizamiHearing
Donata OertelAuditory Physiology Ching Kung (post-doc)
Tsunehisa Ohno Shigeru Hirano (grad student)
Lucas Parraspeech, audition, computational modeling, EEG19951997 Gustavo Deco (grad student)
Michael PeckaAuditory system, Visual system Thomas Mrsic-Flogel (post-doc)
David Pelegrin-Garciaroom acoustics, vocal parameters, classroom acoustics,
Tina M PenmanHearing conservation, music levels in group fitness classes, blockchain technology, social media Curtis J. Billings (research assistant)
Sabine Pfirrmannhearing, auditory research
Teresa E. Pitts Donald C. Bolser (post-doc)
Ben D. RichardsonGABAA Receptor, Glycine Receptor, Cerebellum, auditory, glutamate Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience20142017 David J. Rossi (post-doc)
Jesus P.F. Rodriguez-Jorgehearing, auditory research
Balaji Vasantrao RokadeAsymmetric catalysis, Method development Department of Organic Chemistry20092015 Kandikere R. Prabhu (grad student)
Robin A. Samlan Jody Kreiman (post-doc)
Richard Schiefelbusch
Richard G. Schwartzspeech and language processing in children with Specific Language Impairment, children with Cochlear Implants, children with Autism, neurobiology of childhood language impairments Laurence B. Leonard (grad student)
Daniel M SchwartzAudiology, operative neurophysiological monitoring, evoked potentials
Susan ShoreAuditory system, Cochlear nucleus, Alfred L. Nuttall (post-doc)
Mohinish ShuklaCognition, Brain imaging, Language
Preeti M. Sivasankar Kimberly V. Fisher (grad student)
Louise Spence
Laurence Steinberg Urie Bronfenbrenner (research assistant)
Joern R. SteinertKv channels, nitric oxide, Drosophila, NMJ, neurodegeneration, prion Giovanni E. Mann (grad student), Ingolf Bernhardt (grad student), Christoph M. Schuster (grad student)
Winifred Strangephonetics, speech perception James J. Jenkins (grad student)
Atsushi Suehiro Shigeru Hirano (grad student)
Nobuo SugaAuditory system, echolocation19651969 Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock (post-doc)
Xinde Sunauditory system Philip HS Jen (research scientist)
Valentina L. Taran Linda Jarmulowicz (grad student)
Robert Thompson Hugh G. Blodgett (grad student)
Kris Tjadenmotor speech disorders Gary Weismer (grad student)
Sofia Vallila RohterAphasia Rehabilitation20102014 Swathi D. Kiran (grad student)
Pim van Dijk Sonja J. Pyott (collaborator), Geoffrey A. Manley (collaborator), Glenis R. Long (post-doc), Arnold Tubis (post-doc)
Janet G. van HellBilingualism, psycholinguistics, child language acquisition Annette M. B. de Groot (grad student)
Paul VanValkenburghTinnitus; migraine; retinotopy
Tanya Vavouri Greg Elgar (grad student)
Ivan Andreevich Vetokhin Alexander Filippovich Samoylov (grad student)
Joyce VliegenAuditory system, gaze control19961997 Andrew J. Oxenham (grad student)
Sandra R. Waxmancognitive development, language Rochel Gelman (grad student)
Robert T. WertzAphasia, Evidence Based Practice
Susan Wickstrom Kane
James WilsonBiology
Deirdre WilsonSemantics, pragmatics, language-thought interface Noam Chomsky (grad student), Dan Sperber (collaborator)
Kyle B. WomackAlzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuroimaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Behavioral Neurology20002002 Kenneth M. Heilman (post-doc)
Doris K. Wudevelopmental neurobiology, inner ear Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Asuman YavuzogluHearing, Speech, Neuroscience
Tzu-Ling J. Yu20142018 Robert S. Schlauch (grad student)
Kexin YuanAuditory system, Inhibitory circuits20012006 Junxian Shen (grad student)
Yi ZhengAuditory Midbrain Physiology, Information Theory Ruth Litovsky (grad student)