Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Robert P. Carlyonpsychoacoustics, cochlear implants Brian C.J. Moore (grad student), Christopher J. Darwin (research assistant)
Stefano Cosentinocochlear implant, speech processing, speech enhancement, binaural hearing, meniere2014 Robert P. Carlyon (post-doc)
Matthew H. DavisSpeech and Language20002004 Ingrid S. Johnsrude (post-doc)
Michael A. FordLanguage20002004 Matthew H. Davis (grad student), William D. Marslen-Wilson (grad student)
Etienne GaudrainHearing, Speech perception, Cochlear implant20102012 Robert P. Carlyon (post-doc)
Hedwig GockelHearing
Jessica Adrienne Grahnauditory system, rhythm perception, music neuroscience Robert P. Carlyon (grad student)
Alexis G. Hervais-AdelmanCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading20042007 Matthew H. Davis (research assistant), Ingrid S. Johnsrude (research assistant), Matthew H. Davis (grad student)
Antje IhlefeldPsychoacoustics, Cochlear Implants, computational modeling20072009 Robert P. Carlyon (post-doc)
Olivier JolyVisual system, Auditory system, fMRI, MRI, CT, stroke, Dementia20132015 Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (research scientist)
Olivier MachereyHearing, Cochlear implant Robert P. Carlyon (post-doc)
William D. Marslen-WilsonSpeech and Language
Christophe MicheylHearing Robert P. Carlyon (research scientist)
Dennis NorrisLanguage, Short Term Memory
Eleni OrfanidouCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Language20022006 William D. Marslen-Wilson (grad student), Matthew H. Davis (grad student)
Jonathan E. PeelleSpeech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging20082010 Matthew H. Davis (post-doc)
Friedemann PulvermüllerNeuroscience of Language and Pragmatics
Jennifer M. RoddLanguage, Cognitive Neuroscience Matthew H. Davis (collaborator), William D. Marslen-Wilson (grad student), M. Gareth Gaskell (grad student)
Yury ShtyrovMEG, language