University of Washington, Seattle

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Noelle Abbott2024 Gabriel J. Cler (post-doc)
Caglar Akcayextra-pair mating, communication2011 Michael D. Beecher (grad student)
Peter Alderksneuroethology, auditory physiology2006 Joseph A. Sisneros (grad student)
Olivia Bermingham-McDonoghhair cell regeneration
Steven M. Biererauditory system, vestibular system, cochlear implants
Curtis J. BillingsElectrophysiology, Auditory Plasticity, and Aging2008 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Deanna Brittonmotor speech disorders in adults Rehabilitation Medicine2012 Kathryn M. Yorkston (grad student)
Camillia Anderson Calkins2003 Margaret A. Rogers (grad student)
Melissa L. CarasAuditory system Neurobiology and Behavior20072013 Edwin W. Rubel (grad student), Eliot A. Brenowitz (grad student)
John H. Cassedayauditory system
Gabriel J. Cler
Christopher G. ClinardAging and the auditory system, Neural representation of sounds, Plasticity of the central auditory nervous system2010 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Kathryn P. Connaghanspeech phsyiology, speech production, speech development19992004 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Phil Dalechild language
Kathleen F. Faulkner Speech and Hearing Sciences2012 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Paul A. Faurebioacoustics, auditory system, echolocation, hearing, sensory physiology Ellen Covey (post-doc)
Amber D. Franklinphonological acquisition, late talkers2009 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Lendra M. FriesenCochlear Implants, Auditory evoked potentials, Speech Perception2007 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Angela Garinis Lynne A. Werner (post-doc)
Amy M. Glaspeyphonological acquisition, late talkers2006 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Howard GoldsteinChild communication intervention, early literacy instruction, social interaction, developmental disabilities, early intervention, special education technology19761978 Phil Dale (grad student)
Jordan R. GreenSpeech Production, Brain Imaging, Electromyography, Chewing, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Motor Development19952001 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Sheri L. Hillchild language2000 Phil Dale (grad student)
Cliff HumeAuditory system
Richard L. HysonDevelopment, auditory system, birdsong Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Kayo Inoue Kelly Tremblay (post-doc)
Brice Jonathan JurbanProtein folding, Enzymology, NMR Spectroscopy Chemistry20132016 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Estelle R. Klasnermotor speech disorders in adults2003 Kathryn M. Yorkston (grad student)
Conny Kopp-ScheinpflugAuditory Neuroscience Bruce Tempel (post-doc)
Patricia K. KuhlSpeech, child development
Eric LarsonAuditory Neuroscience, BCI2011 Adrian KC Lee (post-doc)
Adrian KC Leepsychoacoustics, neuroimaging, neuroengineering20032007 Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (grad student)
Susannah V. LeviSpeech perception, prosody2004 Ellen M. Kaisse (grad student)
Ross K. MaddoxAuditory neuroscience, auditory brainstem responses, selective attention, EEG20112016 Adrian KC Lee (post-doc)
Thomas Patrick Marquardtaphasia, apraxia of speech, traumatic brain injury1973 Fred D. Minifie (grad student)
Ludo Maxmotor control, speech motor control, sensorimotor processing, behavioral neuroscience, neuroimaging, stuttering, fluency disorders, motor learning, sensorimotor adaptation, auditory feedback
Kate McClannahanPerceptual Learning, electrophysiology, language and cochlear implants2006 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Susan A. McLaughlinAudition / Speech, fMRI Speech and Hearing Sciences20132013 Adrian KC Lee (research scientist), G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Christie W. Miler Speech and Hearing Sciences2013 Kelly Tremblay (grad student)
Fred D. MinifieSpeech Science
Megan A. Morrismotor speech disorders in adults2011 Kathryn M. Yorkston (grad student)
Thomas O'ConnorAuditory system
Elizabeth C. Oesterleauditory system Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Catherine A OffAphasia Speech & Hearing Sciences Speech & Hearing Sciences Kristie A. Spencer (grad student), Margaret A. Rogers (grad student)
Jeff G. Ojemannneurosurgery, language
George A. OjemannNeurosurgery, Language, Memory, Brain mapping
Cherie R. Percaccio2007 Patricia K. Kuhl (post-doc)
Beate Peterphonological acquisition, late talkers2006 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Kevin ReillyMovement science/Neurophysiology of Speech19982004 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Edwin W. RubelAuditory system Andrés Barria (collaborator)
JoAnn Silkeslearning and memory, aphasia therapy2009 Margaret A. Rogers (grad student)
Amy E. Skinderphonological acquisition, late talkers2000 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Sean J. SleeAuditory Neuroscience2007 William J. Spain (grad student)
Anne SmithNeurophysiological Bases of Speech Production Erich S. Luschei (post-doc)
Anna V. Sosaphonological acquisition, late talkers2008 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Kristie A. SpencerAdult sensorimotor speech disorders, Adult cognitive-linguistic disorders2003 Margaret A. Rogers (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex
Cara E. SteppSpeech Motor Control, Rehabilitation Engineering, Voice Disorders20092011 Yoky Matsuoka (post-doc)
Carol Stoel-Gammonphonological acquisition, late talkers
Jenny S. StoneAuditory system Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Holly L. Storkel1998 Margaret A. Rogers (grad student)
Kelly TremblayElectrophysiologic Measurement of Central Auditory, Neural Representation of Speech Plasticity of the Central Auditory System, Aging and the Auditory system
Jennell C. VickSpeech Physiology20042007 Christopher A. Moore (grad student)
Phillip C. Weir-MaytaAdult sensorimotor speech disorders, Adult cognitive-linguistic disorders Speech and Hearing Sciences2014 Kristie A. Spencer (grad student)
John P. Welshcerebellum, autism, synaptic transmission
Lynne A. Werner
Jong Ho Wonpsychophysical and physiological mechanisms of hearing Kelly Tremblay (post-doc)
Kathryn M. Yorkstonmotor speech disorders in adults
Krisztina Zajdophonological acquisition, late talkers2002 Carol Stoel-Gammon (grad student)
Yang Zhangauditory neuroscience, speech perception, language development2002 Patricia K. Kuhl (grad student)