Miriam O. Krause, Ph.D.

Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Adult language & cognitive disorders, Traumatic brain injury, Cognitive rehabilitation and brain injury
"Miriam Krause"


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Mary R. Kennedy grad student 2011 UMN
 (The Effects of Brain Injury and Talker Characteristics on Speech Processing in a Single-Talker Interference Task.)
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Krause M, Byom L, Meulenbroek P, et al. (2015) Supporting the literacy skills of adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Seminars in Speech and Language. 36: 60-73
Kennedy MR, Krause MO, O'Brien KH. (2014) Psychometric properties of the college survey for students with brain injury: individuals with and without traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 28: 1748-57
Krause MO, Kennedy MR, Nelson PB. (2014) Masking release, processing speed and listening effort in adults with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 28: 1473-84
Krause M, Richards S. (2014) Prevalence of traumatic brain injury and access to services in an undergraduate population: a pilot study. Brain Injury. 28: 1301-10
O'Brien KH, Krause MO. (2014) Fundamentally Innovative: The Continuing Contributions of Mark Ylvisaker Perspectives On Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders. 24: 10-17
Kennedy MRT, O’Brien KH, Krause MO. (2012) Bridging Person-Centered Outcomes and Therapeutic Processes for College Students With Traumatic Brain Injury Perspectives On Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders. 22: 143-151
Kennedy MR, Krause MO. (2011) Self-regulated learning in a dynamic coaching model for supporting college students with traumatic brain injury: two case reports. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 26: 212-23
Krause M, Kennedy MR. (2009) Metamemory adjustments over time in adults with and without traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 23: 965-72
Kennedy MR, Krause MO, Turkstra LS. (2008) An electronic survey about college experiences after traumatic brain injury. Neurorehabilitation. 23: 511-20
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