William Dewey Neff

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"William Neff"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Elmer Culler grad student 1940 Rochester (Neurotree)


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Harry J. Jerison grad student (Neurotree)
Nelson YS Kiang grad student Chicago
Samuel Sutton grad student Chicago (Neurotree)
Irving Diamond grad student 1953 Chicago
Jay M. Goldberg grad student 1960 Chicago


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Mariano Yela collaborator Chicago (Neurotree)
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Strominger NL, Oesterreich RE, Neff WD. (1980) Sequential auditory and visual discriminations after temporal lobe ablation in monkeys. Physiology & Behavior. 24: 1149-56
Butler RA, Levy ET, Neff WD. (1980) Apparent distance of sounds recorded in echoic and anechoic chambers. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 6: 745-50
Neff WD, Casseday JH. (1977) Effects of unilateral ablation of auditory cortex on monaural cat's ability to localize sound. Journal of Neurophysiology. 40: 44-52
Neff WD. (1977) The brain and hearing: auditory discriminations affected by brain lesions. The Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology. 86: 500-6
Cranford JL, Ladner SJ, Campbell CB, et al. (1976) Efferent projections of the insular and temporal neocortex of the cat. Brain Research. 117: 195-210
Dolan TR, Ades HW, Bredberg G, et al. (1975) Inner ear damage and hearing loss after exposure to tones of high intensity. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 80: 343-52
Moore CN, Casseday JH, Neff WD. (1974) Sound localization: the role of the commissural pathways of the auditory system of the cat. Brain Research. 82: 13-26
Neff WD, Casseday JH, Cranford JL. (1972) The medial geniculate body and associated thalamic cell groups: behavioral studies. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 6: 302-10
Harting JK, Hall WC, Diamond IT, et al. (1972) Subject Index Vol. 6, 1972 Brain Behavior and Evolution. 6: 559-560
Harting JK, Hall WC, Diamond IT, et al. (1972) Designated Discussion / General Discussion Brain Behavior and Evolution. 6: 323-328
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