Joseph T. Devlin
Affiliations: | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
neuroscience, language, reading, fmri, tmsWebsite:
"Joseph Devlin"Cross-listing: Neurotree - LinguisTree
Sign in to add traineePatricia Gough | grad student | Oxford (Neurotree) | |
Tae Twomey | grad student | 2009- | UCL (Neurotree) |
Keith J. Kawabata-Duncan | grad student | 2007-2010 | UCL (Neurotree) |
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Richardson DC, Griffin NK, Zaki L, et al. (2020) Engagement in video and audio narratives: contrasting self-report and physiological measures. Scientific Reports. 10: 11298 |
Kennedy-Higgins D, Devlin JT, Adank P. (2020) Cognitive mechanisms underpinning successful perception of different speech distortions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147: 2728 |
Kennedy-Higgins D, Devlin JT, Nuttall HE, et al. (2020) The Causal Role of Left and Right Superior Temporal Gyri in Speech Perception in Noise: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-11 |
Maegherman G, Nuttall HE, Devlin JT, et al. (2019) Motor Imagery of Speech: The Involvement of Primary Motor Cortex in Manual and Articulatory Motor Imagery. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 195 |
Nuttall HE, Kennedy-Higgins D, Devlin JT, et al. (2018) Modulation of intra- and inter-hemispheric connectivity between primary and premotor cortex during speech perception. Brain and Language |
Sliwinska MW, Violante IR, Wise RJS, et al. (2017) Stimulating multiple-demand cortex enhances vocabulary learning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Lorca-Puls DL, Gajardo-Vidal A, Seghier ML, et al. (2017) Using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the undamaged brain to identify lesion sites that predict language outcome after stroke. Brain : a Journal of Neurology |
Nuttall HE, Kennedy-Higgins D, Devlin JT, et al. (2016) The role of hearing ability and speech distortion in the facilitation of articulatory motor cortex. Neuropsychologia |
Skipper JI, Devlin JT, Lametti DR. (2016) The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue: Review of the role of the motor system in speech perception. Brain and Language. 164: 77-105 |
Nuttall HE, Kennedy-Higgins D, Hogan J, et al. (2015) The effect of speech distortion on the excitability of articulatory motor cortex. Neuroimage |