Katharine M. Graf Estes, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
Language acquisitionWebsite:
"Katharine Graf Estes"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorLinda B. Smith | research assistant | 2000 | University of Indiana | |
Jenny R. Saffran | grad student | 2001-2007 | UW Madison (Neurotree) | |
(How does acoustic variability in speech affect infant word recognition and word learning?) |
Sign in to add traineeJenna DiStefano | grad student | (Neurotree) | |
Ryan A. Barry | grad student | 2011- | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
Erica Verde | grad student | 2016- | UC Davis (PsychTree) |
Isabelle Pai | grad student | 2020- | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
Işıl Doğan | grad student | 2022- | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
Jenny Jiaqi Geng | grad student | 2023- | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
Dylan Matthew Antovich | grad student | 2012-2018 | UC Davis (Neurotree) |
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Antovich DM, Graf Estes K. (2022) Statistical word segmentation: Anchoring learning across contexts. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies |
Johnson EG, Mooney L, Graf Estes K, et al. (2021) Activation for newly learned words in left medial-temporal lobe during toddlers' sleep is associated with memory for words. Current Biology : Cb |
Graf Estes K, Antovich DM, Verde EL. (2020) Selectivity in bilingual nonspeech label learning. Journal of Child Language. 1-11 |
Antovich DM, Graf Estes K. (2020) One language or two? Navigating cross-language conflict in statistical word segmentation. Developmental Science. 23: e12960 |
Antovich DM, Gluck SC, Goldman EJ, et al. (2020) Specificity of representations in infants' visual statistical learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 193: 104772 |
Antovich DM, Graf Estes K. (2017) Learning across languages: bilingual experience supports dual language statistical word segmentation. Developmental Science. 21 |
Barry-Anwar RA, Burris JL, Graf Estes K, et al. (2016) Caregivers and strangers: The influence of familiarity on gaze following and learning. Infant Behavior & Development. 46: 46-58 |
Cashon CH, Ha OR, Graf Estes K, et al. (2016) Infants with Williams syndrome detect statistical regularities in continuous speech. Cognition. 154: 165-168 |
Graf Estes K, Gluck SC, Grimm KJ. (2016) Finding patterns and learning words: Infant phonotactic knowledge is associated with vocabulary size. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 146: 34-49 |
Barry RA, Graf Estes K, Rivera SM. (2015) Domain general learning: Infants use social and non-social cues when learning object statistics. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 551 |