Sheila E. Blumstein
Affiliations: | Linguistics | Brown University, Providence, RI |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech and Lexical AccessWebsite:
"Sheila Blumstein"Cross-listing: Neurotree - LinguisTree
Sign in to add mentorHarold Goodglass | grad student | 1965-1970 | (Neurotree) |
Roman Osipovich Jakobson | grad student | 1965-1970 | (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeKelly S. Giovanello | research assistant | Brown (Neurotree) | |
Jesse Rissman | research assistant | 2000-2002 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Cyrena Gawuga | research assistant | 2001-2003 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Natalia Y. Bilenko | research assistant | 2005-2007 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Sahil Luthra | research assistant | 2011-2016 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Shari R. Baum | grad student | Brown | |
Martha W. Burton | grad student | (PsychTree) | |
Patricia Keating | grad student | Brown (LinguisTree) | |
Eiling Yee | grad student | (Neurotree) | |
Allard Jongman | grad student | 1982-1986 | Brown |
Chao-Yang Lee | grad student | 2000 | Brown (LinguisTree) |
Emily B. Myers | grad student | 2006 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Jong-Yoon Myung | grad student | 2006 | Brown (LinguisTree) |
Neal P. Fox | grad student | 2010-2016 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Matt A. Goldrick | post-doc | Brown | |
Emily B. Myers | post-doc | Brown | |
Emmette R. Hutchison | research scientist | 2002-2005 | Brown (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorWilliam P. Milberg | collaborator | 1978- | Harvard Medical School |
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Ostrand R, Blumstein SE, Morgan JL. (2024) When Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices Becomes Perceiving Speech: Auditory-Visual Integration in Lexical Access. Cogsci ... Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society (U.S.). Conference. 33: 1376-1381 |
Guediche S, Zhu Y, Minicucci D, et al. (2019) Written sentence context effects on acoustic-phonetic perception: fMRI reveals cross-modal semantic-perceptual interactions. Brain and Language. 199: 104698 |
Luthra S, Fuhrmeister P, Molfese PJ, et al. (2019) Brain-behavior relationships in incidental learning of non-native phonetic categories. Brain and Language. 198: 104692 |
Luthra S, Guediche S, Blumstein SE, et al. (2019) Neural substrates of subphonemic variation and lexical competition in spoken word recognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 34: 151-169 |
Reilly M, Machado N, Blumstein SE. (2018) Distinctive semantic features in the healthy adult brain. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience |
Luthra S, Fox NP, Blumstein SE. (2018) Speaker information affects false recognition of unstudied lexical-semantic associates. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Guediche S, Reilly M, Santiago C, et al. (2016) An fMRI study investigating effects of conceptually related sentences on the perception of degraded speech. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 79: 57-74 |
Ostrand R, Blumstein SE, Ferreira VS, et al. (2016) What you see isn't always what you get: Auditory word signals trump consciously perceived words in lexical access. Cognition. 151: 96-107 |
Kurowski K, Blumstein SE. (2015) Phonetic basis of phonemic paraphasias in aphasia: Evidence for cascading activation. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 75: 193-203 |
Fox NP, Blumstein SE. (2015) Top-Down Effects of Syntactic Sentential Context on Phonetic Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |