Nicol S. Harper
Affiliations: | Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Auditory SystemGoogle:
"Nicol Harper"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorDavid McAlpine | grad student | UCL | |
Andrew J. King | research scientist | Oxford |
Sign in to add traineeYosef Singer | grad student | 2014- | Oxford (Neurotree) |
Monzilur Rahman | grad student | 2015- | Oxford (Neurotree) |
Aleksandar Ivanov | grad student | 2016- | Oxford (Neurotree) |
Freddy Trinh | grad student | 2016- | Oxford (Neurotree) |
Crystal Y. C. Leung | grad student | 2018-2018 | Oxford (Neurotree) |
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Millidge B, Tang M, Osanlouy M, et al. (2024) Predictive coding networks for temporal prediction. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1011183 |
Peng F, Harper NS, Mishra AP, et al. (2024) Dissociable roles of the auditory midbrain and cortex in processing the statistical features of natural sound textures. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Singer Y, Taylor LCL, Willmore BDB, et al. (2023) Hierarchical temporal prediction captures motion processing along the visual pathway. Elife. 12 |
Auksztulewicz R, Rajendran VG, Peng F, et al. (2023) Omission responses in local field potentials in rat auditory cortex. Bmc Biology. 21: 130 |
Ivanov AZ, King AJ, Willmore BDB, et al. (2022) Cortical adaptation to sound reverberation. Elife. 11 |
Mishra AP, Peng F, Li K, et al. (2021) Sensitivity of neural responses in the inferior colliculus to statistical features of sound textures. Hearing Research. 412: 108357 |
Mishra AP, Harper NS, Schnupp JWH. (2021) Exploring the distribution of statistical feature parameters for natural sound textures. Plos One. 16: e0238960 |
Rahman M, Willmore BDB, King AJ, et al. (2020) Simple transformations capture auditory input to cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Rajendran VG, Harper NS, Schnupp JWH. (2020) Auditory cortical representation of music favours the perceived beat. Royal Society Open Science. 7: 191194 |
Rahman M, Willmore BDB, King AJ, et al. (2019) A dynamic network model of temporal receptive fields in primary auditory cortex. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1006618 |