People with institution matching "Princeton University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
James Mark Baldwin (Info) Johns Hopkins sgrubb 2014‑09‑12
Adrian M. Bartlett (Info) York University, York University, Princeton, Vanderbilt, Rochester Vision, Electrophysiology, Oscillations, Attention, Audiovisual Integration, Neuroethology, Active Perception adrian.m.bartlett 2008‑09‑05
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Info) Stanford Auditory Cortex, Coherence chandram 2006‑09‑19
Jan Clemens (Info) HU Berlin auditory system, insects, computational biology spoono 2008‑11‑27
Michael R. DeWeese (Info) UC Berkeley Auditory Cortex david 2005‑01‑17
Richard R. Fay (Info) Loyola University Chicago Hearing hanks 2005‑11‑02
Michele N. Insanally (Info) University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Auditory system, plasticity, learning, perception lhamilton 2009‑10‑26
Casey Lew-Williams (Info) Princeton caseylw 2008‑08‑19
Rick L. Lewis (Info) University of Michigan computational modeling, language processing, humor humean 2008‑03‑25
Glenis R. Long (Info) CUNY Hearing, Otoacoustic Emissions glenislong 2014‑05‑28
James McCosh (Info) Princeton histochristo 2019‑10‑14
Lina A. Reiss (Info) OHSU Auditory system, cochlear implants linareiss 2011‑02‑15
Robert J. Ruben (Info) Albert Einstein sgrubb 2014‑09‑05
James C. Saunders (Info) Penn Auditory System david 2005‑10‑07
Jonathan Z. Simon (Info) University of Maryland MEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience david 2005‑01‑17
Ernest Glen Weaver (Info) Princeton sgrubb 2014‑09‑05
Ernest Glen Wever (Info) Princeton Hearing hanks 2005‑11‑02
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