Cornell University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Howard Bernardt Adelmann1924 Benjamin Freeman Kingsbury (grad student)
Ernest G. Andersonmaize genetics1920 Rollins Adams Emerson (grad student)
George Wells BeadleNeurospora genetics1931 Lester W. Sharp (grad student), Rollins Adams Emerson (grad student)
Christina Donata Cotamitotic receptor trafficking, FGFR, cell adhesion, cell signalling MBG20072012 Maria J. Garcia-Garcia (grad student)
Gregoriy A DokshinRNA, Epigenetics, Development, DNA repair, C. elegans, CRISPR Nutritional Science20042006 Paul Soloway (research assistant)
Rollins Adams Emerson
Flavio Fenton Robert F. Gilmour (post-doc)
Thomas Fox George Paul Hess (collaborator)
Simon Henry Gage18731877 Burt Green Wilder (research assistant)
Maria J. Garcia-Garcia
Rufus Richard Humphrey1923 Benjamin Freeman Kingsbury (grad student)
Benjamin Freeman Kingsbury18931895 Simon Henry Gage (grad student), Burt Green Wilder (grad student)
David LinDevelopmental Neurobiology
Munisha Mumingjiang
Drew M. Noden
Steven RodriguezDevelopmental Neurobiology20012008 David Lin (grad student)
Richard A. Schneiderdevelopmental biology, neural crest, craniofacial patterning, bone and cartilage, evolutionary developmental biology Biomedical Sciences19941998 Drew M. Noden (grad student)
Lester W. Sharpbotany
Lewis J. Stadlergenetics of maize and barley1919 Harry Houser Love (grad student)
Burt Green Wilderzoology
Xianjie YangDevelopment of the vertebrate eye and retina1988 Jeffrey W. Roberts (grad student)