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Mark Fishman, PhD

Novartis, Basel, Basel-Stadt, France 
Cardiovascular, Zebrafish
"Mark Fishman"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - danioTree

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Harpaz R, Phillips M, Goel R, et al. (2024) Experience-dependent modulation of collective behavior in larval zebrafish. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Harpaz R, Aspiras AC, Chambule S, et al. (2021) Collective behavior emerges from genetically controlled simple behavioral motifs in zebrafish. Science Advances. 7: eabi7460
Long A, Lungu JC, Machila E, et al. (2017) A programme to increase appropriate usage of benzathine penicillin for management of streptococcal pharyngitis and rheumatic heart disease in Zambia. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 28: 242-247
Just S, Hirth S, Berger IM, et al. (2016) The mediator complex subunit Med10 regulates heart valve formation in zebrafish by controlling Tbx2b-mediated Has2 expression and cardiac jelly formation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Sogah VM, Serluca FC, Fishman MC, et al. (2010) Distinct troponin C isoform requirements in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239: 3115-23
Meder B, Laufer C, Hassel D, et al. (2009) A single serine in the carboxyl terminus of cardiac essential myosin light chain-1 controls cardiomyocyte contractility in vivo. Circulation Research. 104: 650-9
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Rottbauer W, Wessels G, Dahme T, et al. (2006) Cardiac myosin light chain-2: a novel essential component of thick-myofilament assembly and contractility of the heart. Circulation Research. 99: 323-31
Burns CG, Milan DJ, Grande EJ, et al. (2005) High-throughput assay for small molecules that modulate zebrafish embryonic heart rate. Nature Chemical Biology. 1: 263-4
Ebert AM, Hume GL, Warren KS, et al. (2005) Calcium extrusion is critical for cardiac morphogenesis and rhythm in embryonic zebrafish hearts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 17705-10
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