Thomas Hunt Morgan

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Fruit Flies
"Thomas Morgan"

(1866 - 1945)
From the dissertation (page 15): "To Prof. W. K. Brooks I am greatly indebted for help and suggestions during the work."
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933 was awarded to Thomas H. Morgan "for his discoveries concerning the role played by the chromosome in heredity".

Cross-listing: FlyTree - Chemistry Tree - GenetiTree - Evolution Tree


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William Keith Brooks grad student 1890 Johns Hopkins
 (A contribution to the embryology and phylogeny of the pycnogonids.)
Hans Driesch post-doc


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Folke Karl Skoog research assistant 1932 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Edgar Altenberg grad student (FlyTree)
A Bergner grad student (FlyTree)
C Bliss grad student (FlyTree)
Calvin Bridges grad student (FlyTree)
Clancy grad student (FlyTree)
J Dexter grad student (FlyTree)
John Whittemore Gowen grad student (FlyTree)
M Graubard grad student (FlyTree)
M Harnly grad student (FlyTree)
Alfred Huettner grad student (FlyTree)
R Hyde grad student (FlyTree)
Phil Ives grad student (FlyTree)
Donald Lancefield grad student (FlyTree)
Clara Lynch grad student (FlyTree)
R McEwen grad student (FlyTree)
Dwight Miller grad student (FlyTree)
Harold Plough grad student (FlyTree)
Charles Plunkett grad student (FlyTree)
L Quackenbush grad student (FlyTree)
M Richards grad student (FlyTree)
S Safir grad student (FlyTree)
Mary Stark grad student (FlyTree)
Jiazhen Tan grad student (FlyTree)
Albert Tyler grad student Caltech
D Warren grad student (FlyTree)
Alexander Weinstein grad student (FlyTree)
Charles Zeleny grad student Columbia (FlyTree)
Tsuda Umeko grad student 1889-1892 Bryn Mawr College (Evolution Tree)
Nettie Maria Stevens grad student 1903 Bryn Mawr (FlyTree)
Edmund Newton Harvey grad student 1911 Columbia (Chemistry Tree)
Alfred Henry Sturtevant grad student 1914 Barnard College, Columbia University (Neurotree)
Hermann J. Muller grad student 1915 Columbia (FlyTree)
Don Cameron Warren grad student 1924 Columbia (Animal Science Tree)
Paul Simon Galtsoff grad student 1925 Columbia (Evolution Tree)
Jack Schultz grad student 1929 (FlyTree)
Donald F. Poulson grad student 1936 Caltech (FlyTree)
Marcus Singer grad student 1938 MBL
Sidney W. Fox grad student 1940 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Charles Baker Metz grad student 1942 Caltech (FlyTree)
George Wells Beadle post-doc
Theodosius Dobzhansky post-doc
Boris Ephrussi post-doc University of Paris
Georgii Dmitrievich Karpechenko post-doc (Evolution Tree)
Helen Redfield post-doc Columbia (FlyTree)
Curt Stern post-doc 1924-1926 Columbia (FlyTree)
Marcus Morton Rhoades post-doc 1932 Caltech (Plant Biology Tree)
Barbara McClintock post-doc 1934 Caltech (FlyTree)
Jacques Lucien Monod post-doc 1936 Caltech (Neurotree)
Max Delbrück research scientist 1937 Caltech (FlyTree)


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Nikoli Timofeeff-Ressovsky collaborator (FlyTree)
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MORGAN TH. (1945) Normal and abnormal development of the eggs of Ciona. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. 100: 407-16
Morgan TH. (1944) Some further data on self fertilization in Ciona Journal of Experimental Zoology. 97: 231-248
Morgan TH. (1944) The genetic and the physiological problems of self-sterility in Ciona. VI. Theoretical discussion of genetic data Journal of Experimental Zoology. 95: 37-59
Morgan TH. (1942) EDMUND BEECHER WILSON. Science (New York, N.Y.). 96: 239-42
Morgan TH. (1942) Genesis Of The White-Eyed Mutant Journal of Heredity. 33: 91-92
Morgan TH. (1942) The genetic and the physiological problems of self-sterility in Ciona. V. The genetic problem Journal of Experimental Zoology. 90: 199-228
Morgan TH. (1942) Sex inversion in the peafowl Journal of Heredity. 33: 247-248
Morgan TH, Brown WE, Schumer AJ. (1940) Induction-Motor Characteristics at High Slip Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 59: 464-468
Morgan TH. (1940) Edmund Beecher Wilson, 1856 - 1939 Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society (1932-1954). 3: 123-138
Morgan TH. (1940) An interim report on cross and self fertilization in Ciona Journal of Experimental Zoology. 85: 1-32
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