Harold Elliot Varmus, M.D.

Medical Education UC Berkeley, NIH, Sloan Kettering 
Medical Oncology
"Harold Varmus"

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1989 was awarded jointly to J. Michael Bishop and Harold E. Varmus "for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes"

Cross-listing: Cell Biology Tree - GenetiTree


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J. Michael Bishop post-doc 1970-1972 UC Berkeley / UCSF (FlyTree)
Ira Pastan research scientist 1968-1970 NIH (Neurotree)
Mike Fried research scientist 1978-1979 Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Cell Biology Tree)


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Tyler Jacks grad student UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Peter Pryciak grad student (Neurotree)
Gregory S. Payne grad student 1982 UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Joshua M. Kaplan grad student 1986-1990 UCSF (Neurotree)
Kari Alitalo post-doc UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Donald E. Ganem post-doc UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Roeland Nusse post-doc UCSF (Chemistry Tree)
Sandra Orsulic post-doc
Rolf Sprengel post-doc (Neurotree)
John A. T. Young post-doc UCSF (ID Tree)
Chi Van Dang post-doc 1978-1982 UCSF
Patrick O. Brown post-doc 1985-1988 UCSF (FlyTree)
Titia de Lange post-doc 1985-1990 UC Berkeley (Telomere and Telomerase Tree)
Paul F. Bates post-doc 1985-1992 UCSF (Cell Biology Tree)
Pamela L. Schwartzberg post-doc 1995-1999 NIH (Chemistry Tree)
Eric Holland post-doc 1996-1999 NIH
Bart O Williams post-doc 1996-1999 National Cancer Institue-NIH (Neurotree)
Yi Li post-doc 1997-2002 NIH, Sloan Kettering
Katerina A. Politi post-doc 2003-2009 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (Cell Biology Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Stein BD, Ferrarone JR, Gardner EE, et al. (2023) LKB1-dependent regulation of TPI1 creates a divergent metabolic liability between human and mouse lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Discovery
Froeling FE, Robine N, Hubert B, et al. (2020) Abstract 5128: Polyethnic-1000: Advancing cancer genomics by studying ethnically diverse, underserved patient populations in New York Cancer Research. 79: 5128-5128
Chen HJ, Poran A, Unni AM, et al. (2019) Generation of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and SCLC-like tumors from human embryonic stem cells. The Journal of Experimental Medicine
Unni AM, Harbourne B, Oh MH, et al. (2018) Hyperactivation of ERK by multiple mechanisms is toxic to RTK-RAS mutation-driven lung adenocarcinoma cells. Elife. 7
Fei DL, Zhen T, Durham B, et al. (2018) Impaired hematopoiesis and leukemia development in mice with a conditional knock-in allele of a mutant splicing factor gene . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fan PD, Narzisi G, Jayaprakash AD, et al. (2018) amplification is a mechanism of acquired resistance to EGFR inhibitors identified by transposon mutagenesis and clinical genomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fan P, Narzisi G, Jayaprakash A, et al. (2017) YES1 amplification as a mechanism of acquired resistance (AR) to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) identified by a transposon mutagenesis screen and clinical genomic testing. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 35: 9043-9043
De Silva T, Martinez V, Thu K, et al. (2017) P1.02-073 Characterizing the Genomes of Lung Adenocarcinomas from Never Smokers Reveals SHPRH as a Novel Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 12: S532-S533
Fei DL, Motowski H, Chatrikhi R, et al. (2016) Wild-Type U2AF1 Antagonizes the Splicing Program Characteristic of U2AF1-Mutant Tumors and Is Required for Cell Survival. Plos Genetics. 12: e1006384
McFadden DG, Politi K, Bhutkar A, et al. (2016) Mutational landscape of EGFR-, MYC-, and Kras-driven genetically engineered mouse models of lung adenocarcinoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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