Theodore A. Khoury, Ph.D.

2008 University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
Management Business Administration
"Theodore Khoury"


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Mike W. Peng grad student 2008 UT Dallas
 (Essays on institutions and isomorphism.)
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Alakent E, Goktan MS, Khoury TA. (2020) Is venture capital socially responsible? Exploring the imprinting effect of VC funding on CSR practices Journal of Business Venturing. 35: 106005
Collewaert V, Filatotchev I, Khoury TA. (2018) The View Of Angels From Above: Angel Governance Across Institutional Environments Academy of Management Perspectives
Khoury TA, Prasad A. (2016) Entrepreneurship Amid Concurrent Institutional Constraints in Less Developed Countries Business and Society. 55: 934-969
Khoury TA, Junkunc M, Mingo S. (2015) Navigating Political Hazard Risks and Legal System Quality: Venture Capital Investments in Latin America Journal of Management. 41: 808-840
Khoury TA, Cuervo-Cazurra A, Dau LA. (2014) Institutional Outsiders and Insiders: The Response of Foreign and Domestic Inventors to the Quality of Intellectual Property Rights Protection Global Strategy Journal. 4: 200-220
Pleggenkuhle-Miles E, Khoury TA, Deeds DL, et al. (2013) Exploring cognitive bias: expert ratings of business schools Management Decision. 51: 1905-1927
Khoury TA, Pleggenkuhle-Miles EG. (2011) Shared inventions and the evolution of capabilities: Examining the biotechnology industry Research Policy. 40: 943-956
Khoury TA, Peng MW. (2011) Does Institutional Reform of Intellectual Property Rights Lead to More Inbound FDI? Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean Journal of World Business. 46: 337-345
Qian G, Khoury TA, Peng MW, et al. (2010) The performance implications of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification Southern Medical Journal. 31: 1018-1030
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