Heftziba Eyal-Giladi
Affiliations: | 1960-1995 | Zoology | Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel |
axis formation, chick developmentGoogle:
"Heftziba Eyal-Giladi"
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Eyal-Giladi H. (1997) Establishment of the axis in chordates: facts and speculations. Development (Cambridge, England). 124: 2285-96 |
Ginsburg M, Eyal-Giladi H. (1989) Primordial germ cell development in cultures of dispersed central disks of stage X chick blastoderms Gamete Research. 23: 421-427 |
Eyal-Giladi H, Khaner O. (1989) The chick's marginal zone and primitive streak formation. II. Quantification of the marginal zone's potencies--temporal and spatial aspects. Developmental Biology. 134: 215-21 |
Khaner O, Eyal-Giladi H. (1989) The chick's marginal zone and primitive streak formation. I. Coordinative effect of induction and inhibition. Developmental Biology. 134: 206-14 |
Ginsburg M, Hochman J, Eyal-Giladi H. (1989) Immunohistochemical analysis of the segregation process of the quail germ cell lineage. The International Journal of Developmental Biology. 33: 389-95 |
Raddatz E, Eyal-Giladi H, Kucera P. (1987) Patterns of oxygen consumption during establishment of cephalocaudal polarity in the early chick embryo. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Supplement : Published Under Auspices of the American Society of Zoologists and the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry / the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. 1: 213-8 |
Ginsburg M, Eyal-Giladi H. (1987) Primordial germ cells of the young chick blastoderm originate from the central zone of the area pellucida irrespective of the embryo-forming process Development. 101: 209-219 |
Khaner O, Eyal-Giladi H. (1986) The embryo-forming potency of the posterior marginal zone in stages X through XII of the chick. Developmental Biology. 115: 275-81 |
Khaner O, Mitrani E, Eyal-Giladi H. (1985) Developmental potencies of area opaca and marginal zone areas of early chick blastoderms. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology. 89: 235-41 |
Eyal-Giladi H, Feinstein N, Friedlander M, et al. (1985) Glycogen metabolism and the nuclear envelope-annulate lamella system in the early chick embryo. Journal of Cell Science. 73: 399-407 |