Yasuto Tanabe
Affiliations: | Osaka University, Toyonaka-shi, Ōsaka-fu, Japan |
"Yasuto Tanabe"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorShigetada Nakanishi | grad student | Kyoto University (Neurotree) | |
Thomas M. Jessell | post-doc | 1992-1998 | Columbia (Neurotree) |
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Matsui R, Tanabe Y, Watanabe D. (2012) Avian adeno-associated virus vector efficiently transduces neurons in the embryonic and post-embryonic chicken brain. Plos One. 7: e48730 |
Hattori J, Shiino T, Gatanaga H, et al. (2010) Trends in transmitted drug-resistant HIV-1 and demographic characteristics of newly diagnosed patients: nationwide surveillance from 2003 to 2008 in Japan. Antiviral Research. 88: 72-9 |
Hasegawa H, Ashigaki S, Takamatsu M, et al. (2004) Laminar patterning in the developing neocortex by temporally coordinated fibroblast growth factor signaling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 8711-9 |
Yamazaki H, Sekiguchi M, Takamatsu M, et al. (2004) Distinct ontogenic and regional expressions of newly identified Cajal-Retzius cell-specific genes during neocorticogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 14509-14 |
Takiguchi-Hayashi K, Sekiguchi M, Ashigaki S, et al. (2004) Generation of reelin-positive marginal zone cells from the caudomedial wall of telencephalic vesicles. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 2286-95 |
William CM, Tanabe Y, Jessell TM. (2003) Regulation of motor neuron subtype identity by repressor activity of Mnx class homeodomain proteins. Development (Cambridge, England). 130: 1523-36 |
Yang X, Arber S, William C, et al. (2001) Patterning of muscle acetylcholine receptor gene expression in the absence of motor innervation. Neuron. 30: 399-410 |
Srinivas S, Watanabe T, Lin CS, et al. (2001) Cre reporter strains produced by targeted insertion of EYFP and ECFP into the ROSA26 locus. Bmc Developmental Biology. 1: 4 |
Tanabe Y, William C, Jessell TM. (1998) Specification of motor neuron identity by the MNR2 homeodomain protein. Cell. 95: 67-80 |
Tanabe Y, Jessell TM. (1996) Diversity and pattern in the developing spinal cord. Science (New York, N.Y.). 274: 1115-23 |