Konrad Banaszek

University of Warsaw, Poland 
"Konrad Banaszek"
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Krokosz W, Mazelanik M, Lipka M, et al. (2024) Beating the spectroscopic Rayleigh limit via post-processed heterodyne detection. Optics Letters. 49: 1001-1004
Raymer MG, Banaszek K. (2020) Time-frequency optical filtering: efficiency vs. temporal-mode discrimination in incoherent and coherent implementations. Optics Express. 28: 32819-32836
Kołodyński J, Máttar A, Skrzypczyk P, et al. (2020) Device-independent quantum key distribution with single-photon sources Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 4: 260
Len YL, Datta C, Parniak M, et al. (2020) Resolution limits of spatial mode demultiplexing with noisy detection International Journal of Quantum Information. 18: 1941015
Lipka M, Jarzyna M, Banaszek K. (2020) Quantum Fingerprinting Over AWGN Channels With Power-Limited Optical Signals Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications. 38: 496-505
Banaszek K, Kunz L, Jachura M, et al. (2020) Quantum Limits in Optical Communications Journal of Lightwave Technology. 38: 2741-2754
Kunz L, Jarzyna M, Zwolinski W, et al. (2020) Low-cost limit of classical communication with restricted quantum measurements New Journal of Physics. 22: 43010
Banaszek K, Kunz L, Jarzyna M, et al. (2019) Approaching the ultimate capacity limit in deep-space optical communication Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 10910
DiMario MT, Kunz L, Banaszek K, et al. (2019) Optimized communication strategies with binary coherent states over phase noise channels Npj Quantum Information. 5: 1-7
Parniak M, Borówka S, Boroszko K, et al. (2018) Beating the Rayleigh Limit Using Two-Photon Interference. Physical Review Letters. 121: 250503
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