Arthur T. Hertig
Affiliations: | Pathology | Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States |
human embryologyWebsite:
"Arthur Tremain Hertig"Bio:
(1904 - 1990)
Sign in to add mentorJohn Rock | research scientist | 1941-1944 | Carnegie Institute of Washington |
Sign in to add traineeJoseph E. Murray | grad student | 1943 | Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) |
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Noyes RW, Hertig AT, Rock J. (2019) Reprint of: Dating the Endometrial Biopsy. Fertility and Sterility. 112 |
Hertig AT. (1979) Early concepts of dysplasia and carcinoma in situ (A backward glance at a forward process): A brief historical review: Keynote address given at III world congress on cervical pathology and colposcopy, walt disney world, Orlando, Florida, october 25, 1978 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey. 34: 795-803 |
Noyes RW, Hertig AT, Rock J. (1975) Dating the endometrial biopsy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 122: 262-3 |
Hertig AT, Rock J. (1973) Searching for early fertilized human ova. Gynecologic Investigation. 4: 121-139 |
Hertig AT, Rock J. (1973) Sarching for early fertilized human ova Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 4: 121-139 |
Hertig AT, MacKey JJ. (1973) Carcinoma in situ of the primate uterus: Comparative observations on the cervix of the crab-eating monkey, Macaca fascicularis, the endometrium of the chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, and on similar lesions in the human patient Gynecologic Oncology. 1: 165-183 |
Hertig AT. (1970) The Human Placenta Jama. 214: 601-601 |
Hertig AT. (1968) The primary human oocyte: some observations on the fine structure of Balbiani's vitelline body and the origin of the annulate lamellae. American Journal of Anatomy. 122: 107-137 |
Hertig AT. (1967) Human trophoblast: normal and abnormal. A plea for the study of the normal so as to understand the abnormal. Ward Burdick Award Address. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 47: 249-268 |
Hertig AT. (1967) Physiology of Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium: HUMAN TROPHOBLAST, NORMAL AND ABNORMAL. A PLEA FOR THE STUDY OF THE NORMAL SO AS TO UNDERSTAND THE ABNORMAL Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. 22: 712-727 |