Ferdinando Monte, Ph.D.

Economics University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
selective samples, longitudinal data,labor market, income distribution
"Ferdinando Monte"


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James J. Heckman grad student 2011 Chicago
 (Essays in international trade and human capital.)
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Monte F, Redding SJ, Rossi-Hansberg E. (2018) Commuting, Migration and Local Employment Elasticities The American Economic Review. 108: 3855-3890
Caliendo L, Monte F, Rossi-Hansberg E. (2017) Exporting and Organizational Change National Bureau of Economic Research. 303-332
Agarwal S, Jensen JB, Monte F. (2017) Consumer Mobility and the Local Structure of Consumption Industries National Bureau of Economic Research
Caliendo L, Monte F, Rossi-Hansberg E. (2015) The anatomy of french production hierarchies Journal of Political Economy. 123: 809-852
Monte F. (2011) Skill bias, trade, and wage dispersion ☆ Journal of International Economics. 83: 202-218
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