Sendhil Mullainathan

Economics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Sendhil Mullainathan"


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Drew Fudenberg grad student 1998 Harvard
Lawrence Francis Katz grad student 1998 Harvard
Andrei Shleifer grad student 1998 Harvard


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Atif Mian grad student
Ebonya Washington grad student 2003 MIT
Randall K. Akee grad student 2006 Harvard
Antonia Atanassova grad student 2008 Harvard
Oeindrila Dube grad student 2009 Harvard
Michael L. Faye grad student 2009 Harvard
Paul F. Niehaus grad student 2009 Harvard
Sandip R. Sukhtankar grad student 2009 Harvard
Ryan J. Bubb grad student 2011 Harvard
Supreet K. Anand grad student 2012 Harvard
Heather Schofield grad student 2014 Harvard
Frank Schilbach grad student 2015 Harvard
BETA: Related publications


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Mullainathan S, Obermeyer Z. (2019) A Machine Learning Approach to Low-Value Health Care: Wasted Tests, Missed Heart Attacks and Mis-Predictions National Bureau of Economic Research
Kleinberg J, Lakkaraju H, Leskovec J, et al. (2018) HUMAN DECISIONS AND MACHINE PREDICTIONS. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 133: 237-293
Heller SB, Shah AK, Guryan J, et al. (2017) Thinking, Fast and Slow? Some Field Experiments to Reduce Crime and Dropout in Chicago. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 132: 1-54
Karlan D, McConnell M, Mullainathan S, et al. (2016) Getting to the Top of Mind: How Reminders Increase Saving Management Science. 62: 3393-3411
Chalfin A, Danieli O, Hillis A, et al. (2016) Productivity and Selection of Human Capital with Machine Learning American Economic Review. 106: 124-127
Baicker K, Mullainathan S, Schwartzstein J. (2015) BEHAVIORAL HAZARD IN HEALTH INSURANCE. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 130: 1623-1667
Kleinberg J, Ludwig J, Mullainathan S, et al. (2015) Prediction Policy Problems. The American Economic Review. 105: 491-495
Shah AK, Shafir E, Mullainathan S. (2015) Scarcity frames value. Psychological Science. 26: 402-12
Baicker K, Mullainathan S, Schwartzstein J. (2015) Behavioral Hazard in health insurance Quarterly Journal of Economics. 130: 1623-1667
Kaur S, Kremer M, Mullainathan S. (2015) Self-control at work Journal of Political Economy. 123: 1227-1277
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