Michal Kolesár, Ph.D.

Economics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 2013 Economics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Michal Kolesár"


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Gary Chamberlain grad student 2013 Harvard
 (Essays on Instrumental Variables.)
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Armstrong TB, Kolesár M. (2020) Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Nonparametric Regression Quantitative Economics. 11: 1-39
Adão R, Kolesár M, Morales E. (2019) Shift-Share Designs: Theory and Inference Quarterly Journal of Economics. 134: 1949-2010
Armstrong TB, Kolesár M. (2018) Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models Econometrica. 86: 655-683
Armstrong TB, Kolesár M. (2018) A Simple Adjustment for Bandwidth Snooping The Review of Economic Studies. 85: 732-765
Kolesár M, Rothe C. (2018) Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable The American Economic Review. 108: 2277-2304
Kolesár M. (2018) Minimum distance approach to inference with many instruments Journal of Econometrics. 204: 86-100
Imbens GW, Kolesár M. (2016) Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples: Some Practical Advice Review of Economics and Statistics. 98: 701-712
Kolesár M, Chetty R, Friedman J, et al. (2015) Identification and Inference With Many Invalid Instruments Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 33: 474-484
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