Rosa Liliana Matzkin
Affiliations: | Economics | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
Econometrics, Microeconomics, Nonparametric MethodsGoogle:
"Rosa Matzkin"Children
Sign in to add traineeDan Ben-Moshe | grad student | 2012 | UCLA |
David M. Kang | grad student | 2012 | UCLA |
Federico Zincenko | grad student | 2013 | UCLA |
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Matzkin RL. (2019) Constructive identification in some nonseparable discrete choice models Journal of Econometrics. 211: 83-103 |
Matzkin RL. (2016) On independence conditions in nonseparable models: Observable and unobservable instruments Journal of Econometrics. 191: 302-311 |
Matzkin RL. (2015) Estimation of Nonparametric Models With Simultaneity Econometrica. 83: 1-66 |
Blundell R, Matzkin RL. (2014) Control functions in nonseparable simultaneous equations models Quantitative Economics. 5: 271-295 |
Blundell R, Kristensen D, Matzkin RL. (2013) Control functions and simultaneous equations methods American Economic Review. 103: 563-569 |
Matzkin RL. (2013) Nonparametric identification in structural economic models Annual Review of Economics. 5: 457-486 |
Matzkin RL. (2012) Identification in nonparametric limited dependent variable models with simultaneity and unobserved heterogeneity Journal of Econometrics. 166: 106-115 |
Blundell R, Kristensen D, Matzkin R. (2011) Bounding quantile demand functions using revealed preference inequalities Journal of Econometrics. 179: 112-127 |
Heckman JJ, Matzkin RL, Nesheim L. (2010) Nonparametric identification and estimation of nonadditive hedonic models Econometrica. 78: 1569-1591 |
Briesch RA, Chintagunta PK, Matzkin RL. (2010) Nonparametric discrete choice models with unobserved heterogeneity Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 28: 291-307 |