Yuval Tamir

Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
parallel and distributed systems; fault-tolerant computing; multicore architectures; virtualization; cluster computing (OS, middleware); interconnection networks and switches; reliable network services
"Yuval Tamir"


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Navid Aghdaie grad student 2005 UCLA
Yoshio F. Turner grad student 2005 UCLA
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Michael V. Le grad student 2014 UCLA
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Le M, Tamir Y. (2015) Fault injection in virtualized systems - Challenges and applications Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure Computing. 12: 284-297
Le M, Tamir Y. (2011) ReHype: Enabling VM survival across hypervisor failures Acm Sigplan Notices. 46: 63-74
Hsu I, Gallagher A, Le M, et al. (2010) Using virtualization to validate fault-tolerant distributed systems Proceedings of the Iasted International Conference On Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. 210-217
Le M, Gallagher A, Tamir Y, et al. (2009) Maintaining network QoS across NIC device driver failures using virtualization Proceedings - 2009 8th Ieee International Symposium On Network Computing and Applications, Nca 2009. 195-202
Aghdaie N, Tamir Y. (2009) CoRAL: A transparent fault-tolerant web service Journal of Systems and Software. 82: 131-143
Turner Y, Tamir Y. (2007) Deadlock-free connection-based adaptive routing with dynamic virtual circuits Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 67: 13-32
Aghdaie N, Tamir Y. (2005) Efficient client-transparent fault tolerance for video conferencing Proceedings of the Third Iasted International Conference On Communications and Computer Networks, Ccn 2005. 202-207
Aghdaie N, Tamir Y. (2003) Fast transparent failover for reliable web service Proceedings of the Iasted International Conference On Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. 15: 757-762
Aghdaie N, Tamir Y. (2003) Performance Optimizations for Transparent Fault-Tolerant Web Service Ieee Pacific Rim Conference On Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 29-32
Aghdaie N, Tamir Y. (2002) Implementation and evaluation of transparent fault-tolerant Web service with kernel-level support Proceedings - International Conference On Computer Communications and Networks, Icccn. 2002: 63-68
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