José A. Scheinkman

Economics Columbia University, New York, NY 
 Economics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"José Scheinkman"


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Olivier De Bandt grad student
Joao Paulo Caetano grad student Chicago
Pascal Courty grad student
Blake LeBaron grad student Brandeis
Afonso Arinos Mello grad student
Jean-Pierre Zigrand grad student
Albert S. (Pete) Kyle grad student 1981 Chicago
Pamela A. Labadie grad student 1982 Chicago
David S. Evans grad student 1983 Chicago
Paul Romer grad student 1983 Chicago
Manuel Santos grad student 1984 Chicago
Narayana R. Kocherlakota grad student 1987 Chicago
Lones Smith grad student 1991 Chicago
Edward Glaeser grad student 1992 Chicago
Erzo G. J. Luttmer grad student 1992 Chicago
Alberto Bisin grad student 1994 Chicago
Danilo Guaitoli grad student 1994 Chicago
Giorgio Topa grad student 1996 Chicago
Adriano A. Rampini grad student 1998 Chicago
Marcelo d. Pinheiro grad student 2003 Princeton
Aureo N. de Paula Neto grad student 2006 Princeton
E. G. Weyl grad student 2008 Princeton
BETA: Related publications


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Bolton P, Santos T, Scheinkman JA. (2020) Savings Gluts and Financial Fragility Review of Financial Studies
Nutz M, Scheinkman JA. (2020) Shorting in Speculative Markets Journal of Finance. 75: 995-1036
Hong H, Li W, Ni SX, et al. (2016) Days to Cover and Stock Returns National Bureau of Economic Research. 1
BOROVIČKA J, HANSEN LP, SCHEINKMAN JA. (2016) Misspecified Recovery The Journal of Finance. 71: 2493-2544
Bolton P, Santos T, Scheinkman JA. (2016) Cream-Skimming in Financial Markets Journal of Finance. 71: 709-736
Cheng IH, Hong H, Scheinkman JA. (2015) Yesterday's Heroes: Compensation and Risk at Financial Firms Journal of Finance. 70: 839-879
Bolton P, Santos T, Scheinkman JA. (2014) Cream Skimming in Financial Markets Journal of Finance. 71: 709-736
Choi H, Hong H, Scheinkman J. (2014) Speculating on home improvements Journal of Financial Economics. 111: 609-624
Borovička J, Hansen LP, Scheinkman JA. (2014) Shock elasticities and impulse responses Mathematics and Financial Economics. 8: 333-354
Hansen LP, Scheinkman JA. (2012) Recursive utility in a Markov environment with stochastic growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 11967-72
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