William J. Baumol
Affiliations: | Economics | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |
"William Baumol"Parents
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Sign in to add traineeLionel W. McKenzie | grad student | 1956 | Princeton |
William G. Bowen | grad student | 1958 | Princeton |
Burton G. Malkiel | grad student | 1964 | Princeton |
Harold T. Shapiro | grad student | 1964 | Princeton |
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Baumol WJ, Willig RD. (2019) Intertemporal failures of the invisible hand: theory and implications for international market dominance Indian Economic Review. 54: 45-55 |
Baumol WJ. (2016) Smith vs. Marx on Business Morality and the Social Interest The American Economist. 61: 44-51 |
Wolff EN, Baumol WJ, Saini AN. (2014) A comparative analysis of education costs and outcomes: The United States vs. other OECD countries Economics of Education Review. 39: 1-21 |
Baumol WJ, Throsby D. (2012) Psychic Payoffs, Overpriced Assets, and Underpaid Superstars Kyklos. 65: 313-326 |
Phipps BJ, Strom RJ, Baumol WJ. (2012) Principles of economics without the prince of Denmark Journal of Economic Education. 43: 58-71 |
Raa Tt, Baumol WJ. (2011) Anne Carter and Input-Output: Technology, Trade, and Pollution œConomia. 2011: 61-73 |
Gomory RE, Baumol WJ. (2011) Trade, education, and innovation: Prospects for the U.S. economy Journal of Policy Modeling. 33: 682-697 |
Baumol WJ. (2010) On the increasing role of economic research in management of resources and protection of the environment Annual Review of Resource Economics. 2: 1-11 |
Gomory R, Baumol WJ. (2009) Globalization: Country and company interests in conflict Journal of Policy Modeling. 31: 540-555 |
Baumol WJ, Litan RE, Schramm CJ. (2007) Sustaining Entrepreneurial Capitalism Capitalism and Society. 2: 1-38 |