Joel Sobel

Economics University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Theory Economics
"Joel Sobel"


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David Gale grad student 1978 UC Berkeley (MathTree)
 (Fair Allocations of a Renewable Resource)


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Luis Santos-Pinto grad student 2004 UCSD
Ricardo Serrano-Padial grad student 2007 UCSD
Chulyoung Kim grad student 2011 UCSD
Philip R. Neary grad student 2011 UCSD
Troy A. Kravitz grad student 2013 UCSD
Lucas Siga grad student 2013 UCSD
BETA: Related publications


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Sobel J. (2020) Lying and Deception in Games Journal of Political Economy. 128: 907-947
Sobel J. (2019) Iterated weak dominance and interval‐dominance supermodular games Theoretical Economics. 14: 71-102
Gneezy U, Kajackaite A, Sobel J. (2018) Lying Aversion and the Size of the Lie American Economic Review. 108: 419-453
Sobel J. (2017) A note on pre-play communication Games and Economic Behavior. 102: 477-486
Sobel J. (2014) On the relationship between individual and group decisions Theoretical Economics. 9: 163-185
Dufwenberg M, Heidhues P, Kirchsteiger G, et al. (2011) Other-regarding preferences in general equilibrium Review of Economic Studies. 78: 613-639
Sobel J. (2009) Generous actors, selfish actions: Markets with other-regarding preferences International Review of Economics. 56: 3-16
Chen Y, Kartik N, Sobel J. (2008) Selecting cheap-talk equilibria Econometrica. 76: 117-136
Segal U, Sobel J. (2008) A characterization of intrinsic reciprocity International Journal of Game Theory. 36: 571-585
Segal U, Sobel J. (2007) Tit for tat: Foundations of preferences for reciprocity in strategic settings Journal of Economic Theory. 136: 197-216
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