Anjana Susarla, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
General Economics, Commerce-Business EconomicsGoogle:
"Anjana Susarla"Parents
Sign in to add mentorAndrew B. Whinston | grad student | 2003 | UT Austin | |
(Understanding the organization of managed service providers: An analysis of customer satisfaction and contracting in markets for hosted IT services.) |
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Liu X, Zhang B, Susarla A, et al. (2020) Go to YouTube and Call Me in the Morning: Use of Social Media for Chronic Conditions Management Information Systems Quarterly. 44: 257-283 |
Susarla A, Holzhacker M, Krishnan R. (2020) Calculative Trust and Interfirm Contracts Management Science |
Susarla A, Mukhopadhyay T. (2019) Can Outsourcing of Information Technology Foster Innovations in Client Organizations? An Empirical Analysis Management Information Systems Quarterly. 43: 929-949 |
Susarla A, Oh JH, Tan Y. (2016) Influentials, Imitables or Susceptibles? Virality and Word-of-Mouth Conversations in Online Social Networks Journal of Management Information Systems. 33: 139-170 |
Ravindran K, Susarla A, Mani D, et al. (2015) Social capital and contract duration in buyer-supplier networks for information technology outsourcing Information Systems Research. 26: 379-397 |
Susarla A. (2012) Contractual flexibility, rent seeking, and renegotiation design: An empirical analysis of information technology outsourcing contracts Management Science. 58: 1388-1407 |
Susarla A, Oh JH, Tan Y. (2012) Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: Evidence from youtube Information Systems Research. 23: 23-41 |
Susarla A, Barua A. (2011) Contracting efficiency and new firm survival in markets enabled by information technology Information Systems Research. 22: 306-324 |
Susarla A, Barua A, Whinston AB. (2010) Multitask agency, modular architecture, and task disaggregation in SaaS Journal of Management Information Systems. 26: 87-117 |
Susarla A, Subramanyam R, Karhade P. (2010) Contractual provisions to mitigate holdup: Evidence from information technology outsourcing Information Systems Research. 21: 37-55 |