Mohannad Murad, Ph.D.

2009 Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, System Science Engineering
"Mohannad Murad"


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Ka C. Cheok grad student 2009 Oakland University
 (Real time control of an adaptive vehicular occupant restraint system using intelligent control techniques.)
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Murad M, Das M, Cheok KC. (2009) Modeling and simulation of an advanced intelligent restraint system 2009 Ieee International Systems Conference Proceedings. 333-337
Murad M, Cheok KC, Das M. (2009) Intelligent adaptive occupant restraint system Conference Proceedings - Ieee Southeastcon. 126-131
Murad M, Cheok KC, Das M. (2009) Methodology to simplify the tuning process of self-organizing fuzzy logic controllers Proceedings - 2009 International Conference On Intelligent Engineering Systems, Ines 2009. 57-60
Murad M, Burley E, Blackburn B. (2000) Integrated CAE modeling of intelligent restraint systems Sae Technical Papers
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