Hal R. Varian

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
General Economics, Commerce-Business Economics, Computer Science
"Hal Varian"


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David Gale grad student 1973 UC Berkeley (MathTree)
Daniel Little McFadden grad student 1973 UC Berkeley (Econometree)


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Evan Kwerel grad student 1976 MIT (Econometree)
Jacques Cremer grad student 1977 MIT (Econometree)
Earl L. Grinols grad student 1977 MIT (Econometree)
Norman Kleinberg grad student 1978 MIT
James Andreoni grad student 1986 University of Michigan (Econometree)
Alessandro Acquisti grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
Nathaniel S. Good grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Johan J. Wallenberg grad student 2009 UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Varian HR. (2020) Seven Deadly Sins Submission Information Economics and Policy. 100893
Varian HR. (2016) Causal inference in economics and marketing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113: 7310-5
Varian HR. (2016) How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time The American Economist. 61: 81-90
Varian HR. (2014) Beyond big data Business Economics. 49: 27-31
Varian HR. (2012) Revealed Preference and its Applications Economic Journal. 122: 332-338
Choi H, Varian HR. (2009) Predicting the Present with Google Trends Economic Record. 88: 2-9
Varian HR. (2009) Online ad auctions American Economic Review. 99: 430-434
Arrow KJ, Forsythe R, Gorham M, et al. (2008) Economics. The promise of prediction markets. Science (New York, N.Y.). 320: 877-8
Varian H. (2007) Economics of Copying and Copyright Voprosy Economiki. 2: 68-84
Acquisti A, Varian HR. (2005) Conditioning prices on purchase history Marketing Science. 24: 367-381
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