Gorm Kipperberg, Ph.D.

2006 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Agricultural Economics
"Gorm Kipperberg"


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Douglas Larson grad student 2006 UC Davis
 (Pro-environmental behavior and preferences: Empirical investigations of participation in and willingness to pay for community recyling programs.)
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Ahi JC, Kipperberg G. (2020) Attribute Non-attendance in Environmental Discrete Choice Experiments: The Impact of Including an Employment Attribute Marine Resource Economics. 35: 201-218
Lopes AF, Kipperberg G. (2020) Diagnosing Insensitivity to Scope in Contingent Valuation Environmental and Resource Economics. 77: 1-26
Kipperberg G, Onozaka Y, Bui LT, et al. (2019) The impact of wind turbines on local recreation: Evidence from two travel cost method – contingent behavior studies Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 25: 66-75
Gudding PA, Kipperberg G, Bond CA, et al. (2018) When a Good Is a Bad (or a Bad Is a Good)—Analysis of Data from an Ambiguous Nonmarket Valuation Setting Sustainability. 10: 208
Engström T, Kipperberg G. (2015) Decomposing the heterogeneous discretionary spending of international visitors to Fjord Norway Tourism Management. 51: 131-141
Kipperberg G, Larson DM. (2012) Heterogeneous Preferences for Community Recycling Programs Environmental and Resource Economics. 53: 577-604
Brekke KA, Kipperberg G, Nyborg K. (2010) Social interaction in responsibility ascription: The case of household recycling Land Economics. 86: 766-784
Brekke KA, Kipperberg G, Nyborg K. (2007) Reluctant Recyclers: Social Interaction in Responsibility Ascription Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council)
Kipperberg G. (2007) A comparison of household recycling behaviors in Norway and the United States Environmental and Resource Economics. 36: 215-235
Jamelske E, Kipperberg G. (2006) A Contingent Valuation Study and Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Switch to Automated Collection of Solid Waste With Single Stream Recycling in Madison, Wisconsin Public Works Management & Policy. 11: 89-103
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