Rita Butzer, Ph.D.

2011 Economics University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Agricultural Economics, Labor Economics
"Rita Butzer"


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Yair Mundlak grad student 2011 Chicago
 (The role of physical capital in agricultural and manufacturing production.)
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Mundlak Y, Butzer R, Larson DF. (2012) Heterogeneous technology and panel data: The case of the agricultural production function Journal of Development Economics. 99: 139-149
Butzer R, Mundlak Y, Larson DF. (2012) Measures of fixed capital in agriculture Productivity Growth in Agriculture: An International Perspective. 313-334
Mundlak Y, Larson DF, Butzer R. (2004) Agricultural Dynamics in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 48: 95-126
Butzer R, Mundlak Y, Larson DF. (2003) Intersectoral Migration in Southeast Asia: Evidence from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 35: 1-13
Butzer R, Larson DF, Mundlak Y. (2002) Intersectoral migration in Venezuela Economic Development and Cultural Change. 50: 227-248
Larson DF, Butzer R, Mundlak Y, et al. (2000) A cross-country database for sector investment and capital World Bank Economic Review. 14: -391
Mundlak Y, Larson DF, Butzer R. (1999) Rethinking Within and Between Regressions: The Case of Agricultural Production Functions Annals of Economics and Statistics. 475-501
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