Daniel M. Kreisman, Ph.D.

2012 Public Policy Studies University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Public and Social Welfare, Policy Education, General Economics, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Daniel Kreisman"


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Jeffrey Grogger grad student 2012 Chicago
 (Three essays on race and human capital.)
Susan M. Dynarski post-doc (PoliSci Tree)
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Kreisman D, Stange K. (2020) Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: The Value of Depth Over Breadth Education Finance and Policy. 15: 11-44
Austin W, Heutel G, Kreisman D. (2019) School Bus Emissions, Student Health, and Academic Performance National Bureau of Economic Research
Kreisman D, Steinberg MP. (2019) The effect of increased funding on student achievement: Evidence from Texas's small district adjustment Journal of Public Economics. 176: 118-141
Austin W, Heutel G, Kreisman D. (2019) School bus emissions, student health and academic performance Economics of Education Review. 70: 109-126
Cox JC, Kreisman D, Dynarski S. (2018) Designed to Fail: Effects of the Default Option and Information Complexity on Student Loan Repayment National Bureau of Economic Research
Dynarski S, Jacob BA, Kreisman D. (2018) How important are fixed effects and time trends in estimating returns to schooling? Evidence from a replication of Jacobson, Lalonde, and Sullivan, 2005 Journal of Applied Econometrics. 33: 1098-1108
Kreisman D. (2017) The Next Needed Thing: The Impact of the Jeanes Fund on Black Schooling in the South, 1900–1930 Journal of Human Resources. 52: 573-620
Steinberg MP, Quinn R, Kreisman D, et al. (2016) Did Pennsylvania’s Statewide School Finance Reform Increase Education Spending or Provide Tax Relief? National Tax Journal. 69: 545-582
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