Ping E. Yeung, Ph.D.

2003 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States 
Accounting Business Administration, Finance
"Ping Yeung"


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Steve R. Matsunaga grad student 2003 University of Oregon
 (Belief -revisions after earnings announcements: Evidence from security analysts' forecast revisions.)
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Hui KW, Nelson KK, Yeung PE. (2016) On the persistence and pricing of industry-wide and firm-specific earnings, cash flows, and accruals Journal of Accounting and Economics. 61: 185-202
Hui KW, Yeung PE. (2013) Underreaction to industry-wide earnings and the post-forecast revision drift Journal of Accounting Research. 51: 701-737
Hui KW, Klasa S, Yeung PE. (2012) Corporate suppliers and customers and accounting conservatism Journal of Accounting and Economics. 53: 115-135
Ayers BC, Li OZ, Yeung PE. (2011) Investor trading and the post-earnings-announcement drift Accounting Review. 86: 385-416
Bamber LS, Hui KW, Yeung PE. (2010) Managers' EPS forecasts: Nickeling and diming the market? Accounting Review. 85: 63-95
Ayers BC, Jiang J, Yeung PE. (2006) Discretionary accruals and earning management: An analysis of pseudo earnings targets Accounting Review. 81: 617-652
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