Pierre R. LeBreton

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
Physical Chemistry, General Biophysics
"Pierre LeBreton"
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Prakash AS, Zegar IS, Shahbaz M, et al. (2009) Stereoelectronic aspects of the intercalative binding of benz[a]anthracene metabolite models to DNA International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 24: 349-356
Ekanayake KS, Lebreton PR. (2007) Model transition states for methane diazonium ion methylation of guanine runs in oligomeric DNA. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 28: 2352-65
Vega-Arroyo M, LeBreton PR, Zapol P, et al. (2007) Quantum chemical study of TiO2/dopamine-DNA triads Chemical Physics. 339: 164-172
Ekanayake KS, Lebreton PR. (2006) Activation barriers for DNA alkylation by carcinogenic methane diazonium ions. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 27: 277-86
Vega-Arroyo M, Lebreton PR, Rajh T, et al. (2005) Density functional study of the TiO2-dopamine complex Chemical Physics Letters. 406: 306-311
Vega-Arroyo M, LeBreton PR, Rajh T, et al. (2003) Theoretical study of the ionization potential of thymine: Effect of adding conjugated functional groups Chemical Physics Letters. 380: 54-62
Papadantonakis GA, Tranter R, Brezinsky K, et al. (2002) Low-energy, low-yield photoionization, and production of 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine and guanine from 2′-deoxyguanosine Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 106: 7704-7712
Papadantonakis GA, Stevenson KL, LeBreton PR. (2001) Evidence of temperature dependent activation barriers for near-threshold aqueous photoionization of 2 -deoxyguanosine and tryptophan Chemical Physics Letters. 346: 97-102
Murray JS, Peralta-Inga Z, Politzer P, et al. (2001) Computational characterization of nucleotide bases: Molecular surface electrostatic potentials and local ionization energies, and local polarization energies International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 83: 245-254
Zhu Q, LeBreton PR. (2000) DNA photoionization and alkylation patterns in the interior of guanine runs Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122: 12824-12834
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