Sundar S. Shrestha, Ph.D.

2007 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Agricultural Economics, Demography, Nutrition
"Sundar Shrestha"


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David G. Abler grad student 2007 Penn State
 (Essays on childhood nutritional deprivation in Nepal and off -farm employment in the United States: Multi -level and spatial econometric modeling approach.)
Jill L. Findeis grad student 2007 Penn State
 (Essays on childhood nutritional deprivation in Nepal and off -farm employment in the United States: Multi -level and spatial econometric modeling approach.)
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Kranz S, Findeis JL, Shrestha SS. (2008) Use of the Revised Children's Diet Quality Index to assess preschooler's diet quality, its sociodemographic predictors, and its association with body weight status. Jornal De Pediatria. 84: 26-34
Kranz S, Findeis JL, Shrestha SS. (2008) Uso do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Infantil Revisado para avaliar a dieta alimentar de pré-escolares, seus preditores sociodemográficos e sua associação com peso corporal Use of the Revised Children's Diet Quality Index to assess preschooler's diet quality, its sociodemographic predictors, and its association with body weight status Jornal De Pediatria. 84: 26-34
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