Tapan Mitra
Affiliations: | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
General Economics, Labor Economics, Theory Economics, Commerce-Business EconomicsGoogle:
"Tapan Mitra"Children
Sign in to add traineeEfe A. Ok | grad student | 1995 | Cornell |
Shub Debgupta | grad student | 2000 | Cornell |
Kuntal Banerjee | grad student | 2007 | Cornell |
Ram S. Dubey | grad student | 2012 | Cornell |
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Deng L, Khan MA, Mitra T. (2020) Exact parametric restrictions for 3-cycles in the RSS model: A complete and comprehensive characterization Journal of Mathematical Economics. 90: 48-56 |
Asheim GB, Mitra T. (2020) Characterizing sustainability in discrete time Economic Theory. 1-21 |
Banerjee K, Mitra T. (2018) On Wold’s approach to representation of preferences Journal of Mathematical Economics. 79: 65-74 |
Dasgupta P, Mitra T, Sorger G. (2018) Harvesting the Commons Environmental and Resource Economics. 72: 613-636 |
Mitra T, Roy S. (2017) Optimality of Ramsey–Euler policy in the stochastic growth model Journal of Economic Theory. 172: 1-25 |
Mitra T. (2015) On maximin value and policy functions in an exhaustible resource model International Journal of Economic Theory. 11: 39-58 |
Mitra T, Sorger G. (2015) Noncooperative Resource Exploitation by Patient Players Dynamic Games and Applications. 5: 361-377 |
Dubey RS, Mitra T. (2014) On social welfare functions on infinite utility streams satisfying Hammond Equity and Weak Pareto axioms: a complete characterization Economic Theory Bulletin. 3: 169-180 |
Dubey RS, Mitra T. (2014) Combining monotonicity and strong equity: construction and representation of orders on infinite utility streams Social Choice and Welfare |
Dubey RS, Mitra T. (2014) On construction of equitable social welfare orders on infinite utility streams Mathematical Social Sciences. 71: 53-60 |