Deepak K. Malhotra, Ph.D.

2002 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology
"Deepak Malhotra"


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J Keith Murnighan grad student 2002 Northwestern
 (Reciprocity in the context of trust: The differing perspective of trustors and trusted parties.)
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Conlon DE, Bazerman MH, Malhotra D, et al. (2016) Celebrating the Work of J. Keith Murnighan Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 9: 332-344
Swol LMV, Braun MT, Malhotra D. (2012) Evidence for the Pinocchio Effect: Linguistic Differences between Lies, Deception by Omissions, and Truths. Discourse Processes. 49: 79-106
Wang L, Malhotra D, Murnighan JK. (2011) Economics Education and Greed Academy of Management Learning & Education. 10: 643-660
Malhotra DK, Lumineau F. (2011) Trust and Collaboration in the Aftermath of Conflict: The Effects of Contract Structure Academy of Management Journal. 54: 981-998
Pirson M, Malhotra D. (2011) Foundations of Organizational Trust: What Matters to Different Stakeholders? Organization Science. 22: 1087-1104
Malhotra D, Gino F. (2011) The Pursuit of Power Corrupts: How Investing in Outside Options Motivates Opportunism in Relationships Administrative Science Quarterly. 56: 559-592
Lumineau F, Malhotra DK. (2011) Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution Southern Medical Journal. 32: 532-555
Malhotra D. (2010) The desire to win: The effects of competitive arousal on motivation and behavior Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 111: 139-146
Malhotra D, Ku G, Murnighan JK. (2008) When winning is everything. Harvard Business Review. 86: 78-86, 129
Malhotra DK. (2008) (When) are Religious People Nicer? Religious Salience and the 'Sunday Effect' on Pro-Social Behavior Judgment and Decision Making. 5: 138-143
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