Federico Sturzenegger
Affiliations: | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
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Gluzmann PA, Sturzenegger F. (2018) An Estimation of CPI Biases in Argentina 1985-2005, and its Implications on Real Income Growth and Income Distribution Latin American Economic Review. 27: 1-50 |
Glüzmann PA, Levy-Yeyati E, Sturzenegger F. (2012) Exchange rate undervaluation and economic growth: Díaz Alejandro (1965) revisited ☆ Economics Letters. 117: 666-672 |
Yeyati EL, Sturzenegger F, Reggio I. (2010) On the endogeneity of exchange rate regimes European Economic Review. 54: 659-677 |
Yeyati EL, Sturzenegger F. (2010) Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies Handbook of Development Economics. 5: 4215-4281 |
Panizza U, Sturzenegger F, Zettelmeyer J. (2009) The Economics and Law of Sovereign Debt and Default Journal of Economic Literature. 47: 651-698 |
Frankel JA, Smit B, Sturzenegger F. (2008) South Africa: Macroeconomic Challenges after a Decade of Success Economics of Transition. 16: 639-677 |
Frankel JA, Smit B, Sturzenegger F. (2008) Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a Commodity-Based Economy Economics of Transition. 16: 679-713 |
Sturzenegger F. (2008) The Political Economy of Reform Failure. By MATS LUNDAHL and MICHAEL WYZAN Economica. 75: 803-804 |
Plessis Sd, Smit B, Sturzenegger F. (2008) Identifying Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in South Africa Journal of African Economies. 17: 765-793 |
Hausmann R, Horii M, Sturzenegger F. (2008) The growing current account surpluses in East Asia: the effect of dark matter assets International Economic Journal. 22: 141-161 |