John R. Moroney

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
General Economics, Theory Economics, Energy
"John Moroney"
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Moroney JR, Lovell CAK. (1997) The Relative Efficiencies of Market and Planned Economies Southern Economic Journal. 63: 1084
Anderson RK, Moroney JR. (1994) Substitution and Complementarity in C. E. S. Models Southern Economic Journal. 60: 886
Anderson RK, Moroney JR. (1993) Morishima elasticities of substitution with nested production functions Economics Letters. 42: 159-166
Peevey RM, Uselton GC, Moroney JR. (1992) The individual investor in the market: Forming a belief regarding market efficiency Financial Services Review. 2: 87-96
Anderson RK, Moroney JR. (1992) Substitution and complementarity with nested production Economics Letters. 40: 291-297
Moroney JR. (1992) Energy, capital and technological change in the United States Resources and Energy. 14: 363-380
Moroney JR. (1990) Energy consumption, capital and real output: A comparison of market and planned economies Journal of Comparative Economics. 14: 199-220
Smith VK, Moroney J. (1982) Advances in the Economics of Energy and Resources, Volume 3: Economic Aspects of New Technology Southern Economic Journal. 49: 298
Moroney JR. (1977) Are natural resources capital-using: a microanalytic approach Southern Economic Journal. 43: 1203
Moroney JR, Toevs AL. (1977) Factor Costs and Factor Use: An Analysis of Labor, Capital, and Natural Resource Inputs Southern Economic Journal. 44: 222
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