Lionel W. McKenzie

1956 Economics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Lionel McKenzie"


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Jerry Green grad student 1970 Rochester
Leonard Jay Mirman grad student 1970 Rochester (MathTree)
José A. Scheinkman grad student 1974 Rochester
Tapan Mitra grad student 1975 Rochester
Kazuo Nishimura grad student 1977 Rochester
Robert A. Becker grad student 1978 Rochester
Nicholas Yannelis grad student 1983 Princeton
Michele Boldrin grad student 1987 Rochester
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McKenzie L. (1999) Equilibrium, Trade, and Capital Accumulation The Japanese Economic Review. 50: 371-397
Boyd JH, McKenzie LW. (1993) The Existence of Competitive Equilibrium over an Infinite Horizon with Production and General Consumption Sets International Economic Review. 34: 1-20
McKenzie L, Shinotsuka T. (1991) A limit theorem on the core: addendum II Economics Letters. 37: 331-332
McKenzie LW. (1990) A limit theorem on the core Economics Letters. 27: 7-9
McKenzie LW. (1986) Optimal economic growth, turnpike theorems and comparative dynamics Handbook of Mathematical Economics. 3: 1281-1355
McKenzie LW. (1983) Turnpike theory, discounted utility, and the von Neumann facet Journal of Economic Theory. 30: 330-352
McKenzie LW. (1981) The Classical Theorem on Existence of Competitive Equilibrium Econometrica. 49: 819-841
Mckenzie LW. (1967) Theorem and Counter-Example International Economic Review. 8: 279
McKenzie LW. (1963) The Dorfman-Samuelson-Solow Turnpike Theorem International Economic Review. 4: 29
McKenzie LW. (1963) The Turnpike Theorem of Morishima The Review of Economic Studies. 30: 169-176
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