Olivier Blanchard, Ph.D

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Olivier Blanchard"


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Stanley Fischer grad student MIT
Robert M. Solow grad student 1977 MIT


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Fumio Hayashi grad student
Juan F. Jimeno grad student
Marco Pagano grad student MIT
Angelo Melino grad student 1983 Harvard
N. Gregory Mankiw grad student 1984 MIT
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki grad student 1985 Harvard
Laurence Ball grad student 1986 MIT
Roland Bénabou grad student 1986 MIT
Pok-Sang Lam grad student 1986 Harvard
Andrew Kenan Rose grad student 1986 MIT
Alessandro Zanello grad student 1987 MIT
Samuel Bentolila grad student 1988 MIT
Ricardo J. Caballero grad student 1988 MIT
Alessandra Casella grad student 1988 MIT
Takeo Hoshi grad student 1988 MIT
Jordi Gali grad student 1989 MIT
Roberto Perotti grad student 1991 MIT
Charles Irving Jones grad student 1993 MIT
David Laibson grad student 1994 MIT
Robert Shimer grad student 1996 MIT
Karl T. Whelan grad student 1997 MIT
Emek Basker grad student 2002 MIT
Manuel Andrés Amador grad student 1998-2003 MIT
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Blanchard O, Summers LH. (2019) Ripensare le politiche macroeconomiche: evoluzione o rivoluzione? (Evolution or Revolution? Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy after the Great Recession) Moneta E Credito. 72: 171-195
Blanchard O, Collins CG, Jahan-Parvar MR, et al. (2018) A year of rising dangerously? The U.S. stock market performance in the aftermath of the presidential election Journal of Policy Modeling. 40: 489-502
Ioannides Y, Philippon PT, Gourinchas P, et al. (2017) The Analytics of the Greek Crisis Discussion Nber Macroeconomics Annual. 31: 100-102
Blanchard O, Ostry JD, Ghosh AR, et al. (2017) Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence Imf Economic Review. 65: 563-585
Blanchard O, Lorenzoni G, L'Huillier JP. (2017) Short-run Effects of Lower Productivity Growth. A Twist on the Secular Stagnation Hypothesis Journal of Policy Modeling. 39: 639-649
Blanchard O, Ostry JD, Ghosh AR, et al. (2016) Capital flows: Expansionary or contractionary? American Economic Review. 106: 565-569
Blanchard O. (2005) An Interview With Stanley Fischer Macroeconomic Dynamics. 9: 244-262
Blanchard O, Tirole J. (2004) Redesigning the Employment Protection System De Economist. 152: 1-20
Blanchard O. (2001) In Honor of Andrei Shleifer: Winner of the John Bates Clark Medal Journal of Economic Perspectives. 15: 189-204
Blanchard O, Portugal P. (2001) What Hides Behind an Unemployment Rate: Comparing Portuguese and U.S. Labor Markets The American Economic Review. 91: 187-207
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