Chiara Maria Travisi
Affiliations: | 2007 | Economics | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
"Chiara Travisi"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRaymond Florax | grad student | 2007 | VU Amsterdam |
Peter Nijkamp | grad student | 2007 | VU Amsterdam |
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Chiabai A, Travisi CM, Markandya A, et al. (2011) Economic Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services Losses: Cost of Policy Inaction Environmental and Resource Economics. 50: 405-445 |
Travisi CM, Camagni R, Nijkamp P. (2010) Impacts of urban sprawl and commuting: a modelling study for Italy Journal of Transport Geography. 18: 382-392 |
Nunes PALD, Travisi CM. (2009) Comparing Tax and Tax Reallocation Payments in Financing Rail Noise Abatement Programmes: Results from a Stated Choice Valuation Study in Italy Environmental and Resource Economics. 43: 503-517 |
Travisi CM, Nijkamp P. (2009) Managing environmental risk in agriculture: a systematic perspective on the potential of quantitative policy-oriented risk valuation International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. 11: 27-46 |
Travisi CM, Nijkamp P, Vighi M, et al. (2006) Managing pesticide risks for non-target ecosystems with pesticide risk indicators: a multi-criteria approach International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. 6: 141-162 |
Travisi CM, Nijkamp P, Vindigni G. (2006) Pesticide risk valuation in empirical economics: a comparative approach Ecological Economics. 56: 455-474 |
Florax RJGM, Travisi CM, Nijkamp P. (2005) A meta-analysis of the willingness to pay for reductions in pesticide risk exposure European Review of Agricultural Economics. 32: 441-467 |