Pierre Perron

1986-1988 Economics Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
 1988-1992 Economics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 1992-1997 Economics Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
 1997- Economics Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Pierre Perron"


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Serena Ng grad student 1993 Princeton
Tim Vogelsang grad student 1993 Princeton
Xiaokang Zhu grad student 2001 Boston University
Zhongjun Qu grad student 2005 Boston University
Ai Deng grad student 2006 Boston University
Tatsuma Wada grad student 2006 Boston University
Tomoyoshi Yabu grad student 2006 Boston University
Mohitosh Kejriwal grad student 2007 Boston University
Dukpa Kim grad student 2007 Boston University
Yohei Yamamoto grad student 2009 Boston University
Yunpeng Zhang grad student 2009 Boston University
Adam Mccloskey grad student 2011 Boston University
Linxia Ren grad student 2011 Boston University
Sungju Chun grad student 2012 Boston University
Wendong Shi grad student 2013 Boston University
Jiawen Xu grad student 2013 Boston University
Seong Y. Chang grad student 2014 Boston University
Jie Hou grad student 2014 Boston University
Francisco Estrada Porrua grad student 2015 VU Amsterdam
BETA: Related publications


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Estrada F, Perron P, Yamamoto Y. (2023) On the persistence of near-surface temperature dynamics in a warming world. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Estrada F, Perron P, Yamamoto Y. (2023) Anthropogenic influence on extremes and risk hotspots. Scientific Reports. 13: 35
Estrada F, Kim D, Perron P. (2021) Spatial variations in the warming trend and the transition to more severe weather in midlatitudes. Scientific Reports. 11: 145
Perron P, Yamamoto Y, Zhou J. (2020) Testing jointly for structural changes in the error variance and coefficients of a linear regression model Quantitative Economics. 11: 1019-1057
Kejriwal M, Yu X, Perron P. (2020) Bootstrap Procedures for Detecting Multiple Persistence Shifts in Heteroskedastic Time Series Journal of Time Series Analysis. 41: 676-690
Casini A, Perron P. (2020) Continuous record Laplace-based inference about the break date in structural change models Journal of Econometrics
Kim D, Oka T, Estrada F, et al. (2020) Inference related to common breaks in a multivariate system with joined segmented trends with applications to global and hemispheric temperatures Journal of Econometrics. 214: 130-152
Perron P, Yamamoto Y. (2019) Pitfalls of Two-Step Testing for Changes in the Error Variance and Coefficients of a Linear Regression Model Econometrics. 7: 22
Estrada F, Perrón P. (2019) Breaks, Trends and the Attribution of Climate Change: A Time-Series Analysis EconomíA. 42: 1-31
Perron P, Yamamoto Y. (2019) Testing for Changes in Forecasting Performance Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 1-18
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