Wendy Luttrell

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Elementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Black Studies, Language and Literature Education
"Wendy Luttrell"


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Rachel N. Sing grad student 2001 Harvard
Atema R. Eclai grad student 2003 Harvard
James C. Holland grad student 2003 Harvard (Literature Tree)
Nikki A. Merchant grad student 2003 Harvard
Rhoda J. Bernard grad student 2004 Harvard
Cleti Cervoni grad student 2004 Harvard
Tara M. Brown grad student 2005 Harvard
Corinne McKamey grad student 2005 Harvard
Beth C. Benjamin grad student 2006 Harvard (Literature Tree)
Charlene Desir grad student 2006 Harvard
Jennifer Marien grad student 2006 Harvard
Julia T. Broussard grad student 2007 Harvard
Anju Saigal grad student 2007 Harvard
Susan A. Klimczak grad student 2009 Harvard
Debby S. Previna grad student 2011 Harvard
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Luttrell W. (2013) Children's Counter-narratives of Care: Towards Educational Justice Children and Society. 27: 295-308
Lico S, Luttrell W. (2011) An important part of me: A dialogue about difference Harvard Educational Review. 81: 667-686
Luttrell W. (2010) ‘A camera is a big responsibility’: a lens for analysing children's visual voices Visual Studies. 25: 224-237
Luttrell W. (2005) Crossing anxious borders: Teaching across the quantitative-qualitative 'divide' International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 28: 183-195
Luttrell W, Parker C. (2001) High school students' literacy practices and identities, and the figured world of school Journal of Research in Reading. 24: 235-247
Luttrell W. (1996) Taking care of literacy: One feminist's critique Educational Policy. 10: 342-365
Luttrell W. (1995) Gender Identities and Education: The Impact of Starting School. Barbara Lloyd , Gerard DuveenGender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Barrie ThorneCultivating the Rosebuds: The Education of Women at the Cherokee Female Seminary, 1851-1909. Devon A. Mihesuah Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 20: 720-724
Luttrell W, Whitty G. (1987) Sociology and School Knowledge: Curriculum Theory, Research and Politics. Contemporary Sociology. 16: 742
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