Ann P. Turnbull
Affiliations: | Special Education | University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States |
Special Education, Early Childhood EducationGoogle:
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Turnbull A, Turnbull R. (2020) Rights, Wrongs, and Remedies for Inclusive Education for Students with Significant Support Needs: Professional Development, Research, and Policy Reform: The Journal of the Association For Persons With Severe Handicaps. 45: 56-62 |
Kyzar K, Brady S, Summers JA, et al. (2018) Family Quality of Life and Partnership for Families of Students With Deaf-Blindness Remedial and Special Education. 41: 50-62 |
Chiu CY, Seo H, Turnbull AP, et al. (2017) Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Family Quality of Life Scale for Taiwanese Families of Children With Intellectual Disability/Developmental Delay. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 55: 57-71 |
Pleet-Odle A, Aspel N, Leuchovius D, et al. (2016) Promoting High Expectations for Postschool Success by Family Members Career Development and Transition For Exceptional Individuals. 39: 249-255 |
Kyzar KB, Brady SE, Summers JA, et al. (2016) Services and supports, partnership, and FQOL for families of children with deaf-blindness Exceptional Children. 83: 77–91 |
Aldersey HM, Turnbull AP, Turnbull HR. (2016) Family Support in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 13: 23-32 |
Francis GL, Blue-Banning M, Haines SJ, et al. (2016) Building “Our School”: Parental Perspectives for Building Trusting Family–Professional Partnerships Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education For Children and Youth. 60: 329-336 |
Haines SJ, Gross JMS, Blue-Banning M, et al. (2015) Fostering Family-School and Community-School Partnerships in Inclusive Schools: Using Practice as a Guide Research and Practice For Persons With Severe Disabilities. 40: 227-239 |
Turnbull R, Turnbull A. (2015) Looking Backward and Framing the Future for Parents’ Aspirations for Their Children With Disabilities Remedial and Special Education. 36: 52-57 |
Haines SJ, Summers JA, Turnbull AP, et al. (2015) Fostering Habib’s Engagement and Self-Regulation: A Case Study of a Child From a Refugee Family at Home and Preschool Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 35: 28-39 |