Catherine S. Taylor
Affiliations: | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
Tests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education, EducationGoogle:
"Catherine Taylor"Children
Sign in to add traineeNina S. Potter | grad student | 2000 | University of Washington |
Tanya A. Prather | grad student | 2002 | University of Washington |
Ching-Chao B. Wu | grad student | 2005 | University of Washington |
Kirsten C. Roberts | grad student | 2007 | University of Washington |
Ming-Sung Hsu | grad student | 2010 | University of Washington |
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Ralston NC, Li M, Taylor C. (2018) The Development and Initial Validation of an Assessment of Algebraic Thinking for Students in the Elementary Grades Educational Assessment. 23: 211-227 |
Shumway-Cook A, Matsuda PN, Taylor C. (2015) Investigating the validity of the environmental framework underlying the original and modified dynamic gait index. Physical Therapy. 95: 864-70 |
Matsuda PN, Taylor C, Shumway-Cook A. (2015) Examining the Relationship Between Medical Diagnoses and Patterns of Performance on the Modified Dynamic Gait Index Physical Therapy. 95: 854-863 |
Matsuda PN, Taylor CS, Shumway-Cook A. (2014) Evidence for the validity of the modified dynamic gait index across diagnostic groups. Physical Therapy. 94: 996-1004 |
Shumway-Cook A, Taylor CS, Matsuda PN, et al. (2013) Expanding the scoring system for the Dynamic Gait Index. Physical Therapy. 93: 1493-506 |
Taylor CS, Lee Y. (2012) Gender DIF in Reading and Mathematics Tests With Mixed Item Formats Applied Measurement in Education. 25: 246-280 |
Taylor CS, Lee Y. (2011) Ethnic DIF in reading tests with mixed item formats Educational Assessment. 16: 35-68 |
Taylor CS, Lee Y. (2010) Stability of rasch scales over tim Applied Measurement in Education. 23: 87-113 |
Bartosh O, Tudor M, Ferguson L, et al. (2006) Improving Test Scores Through Environmental Education: Is It Possible? Applied Environmental Education & Communication. 5: 161-169 |
Taylor CS. (1998) An Investigation of Scoring Methods for Mathematics Performance-Based Assessments Educational Assessment. 5: 195-224 |