Brigette O. Ryalls

Psychological Studies in Education The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Educational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Early Childhood Education
"Brigette Ryalls"
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Ryalls BO, Harbourne R, Kelly-Vance L, et al. (2016) A Perceptual Motor Intervention Improves Play Behavior in Children with Moderate to Severe Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 643
Harbourne RT, Ryalls B, Stergiou N. (2014) Sitting and looking: a comparison of stability and visual exploration in infants with typical development and infants with motor delay. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 34: 197-212
Conner J, Kelly-Vance L, Ryalls B, et al. (2014) A play and language intervention for two-year-old children: Implications for improving play skills and language Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 28: 221-237
Kelly-Vance L, Ryalls BO. (2005) A systematic, reliable approach to play assessment in preschoolers School Psychology International. 26: 398-412
Kelly-Vance L, Ryalls BO, Glover KG. (2002) The use of play assessment to evaluate the cognitive skills of two- and three-year-old children School Psychology International. 23: 169-185
Ryalls BO. (2000) Dimensional adjectives: factors affecting children's ability to compare objects using novel words. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 76: 26-49
Ryalls BO, Gul RE, Ryalls KR. (2000) Infant imitation of peer and adult models: Evidence for a peer model advantage Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 46: 188-202
Cherney ID, Ryalls BO. (1999) Gender-linked differences in the incidental memory of children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 72: 305-28
Ryalls BO, Winslow E, Smith LB. (1998) A Semantic Congruity Effect in Children's Acquisition of High and Low Journal of Memory and Language. 39: 543-557
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